
I'm from the suburbs of Virginia and there's this entire cult around "Wawa runs," not unlike how Massholes get about Dunkin' Donuts. I hate it so much.

considering how arbitrary consent lines appear to be anyways
Thanks for being this upfront about things.

Jinx, you owe me an actual decent sandwich.

We saw this a lot too during the Penn State scandal and I have to ask, again, why the press constantly refers to raping minors as "having sex with them." Is "sex with minors" the official name of the charge or something?

"Just try to eat too much when you think of Subway!"


Just like how the moral guardians thought R. Kelly was dangerous because he sang about consensual sex as opposed to, you know, being a pedophile.

What kind of pompous choad uses "villain" as an insult?

I'm one of those defenders, I'll confess, albeit certainly not on the basis of Vaughn's monologues.

Somebody's doing the housing.

"Darkness on the Edge of Town IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN"

Good on them for having the restraint not to include the Springsteen deep cut "Baby Ain't Nothing But a Municipal Crisis."

The scene of her finding the nail polish had been removed was so devastating without any music stings or exposition.

And pretty much stole "Drive" despite being the least established person in it.

I remember when I was reporting from my state legislature being surprised to learn pretty much all of them had day jobs independent of lawmaking to pay the bills.
Heh, "bills."

Hell, who DIDN'T sound indistinguishable from Joe CSPAN Caller in 2015?

It was a good time for Uncle Junior glasses.

He was great and I'd somehow totally forgotten he was even in this.

Yeah it is.

Molina is interesting because obviously he's an incorrigible grandstander putting on a show for his constituents, but he has the courage of his convictions to keep it up behind closed doors when it's not worth any political capital. It doesn't make him a sympathetic character but it gives him more dimension than that