
I think it's an interesting choice to, like so much media about this issue, make a white guy (or at least a white character) the central figure, and then completely subvert it by making him largely passive and ineffectual, trying to reason with the wrong side of history rather than fighting against it.

I was so worried Molly would be a nonentity after her first appearance, since book-Molly is furious about Jack showing back up whereas show-Molly is completely supportive and I thought they might be turning her into SupportiveSpouseBot 2.0, but she's been so great.

As weird as it is, this, Walt/Jesse and "Tangled" are the most realistic depictions of the abuser/victim dynamic I've seen in fiction in recent years.

It could even have still worked if they had the Mina of the comics but with vampirism, but all of the Peggy Carter protofeminist gumption was gone and she was just a generic Vampire Lady.

With you there. History would probably be kinder to it if a) it hadn't been such a ridiculously obvious losing proposition financially ("Spider-Man and X-Men made a profit, why wouldn't this?") and b) the straw that broke the Connery's back.

The League of Woman Voters.

Well at least it would be in the spirit of the original.

Didn't Richard Linklater already do that?

Germany classes marginalized groups of people as "undesirables?" That's smart.

Better the Yankee than the Yanker, am I right?

Lord, that meme was disgusting. Meanwhile, if you point out that, while the Chattanooga recruiting station shooter was Muslim, he fits the profile of basically every disaffected-young-man shooter for the past several decades rather than that of an Islamist terrorist, you're Dishonoring Our Heroes.

Super-excited for this but worried I won't be able to take anything set in Yonkers seriously since "Yonkers" sounds like something a child calls breasts.

Tell your god to ready for production delays.

"You may be lost to the waves and the ages, Wilson, but I shan't apologize to you for a f—-kin' thing. The dreadful risks of which we availed ourselves were known to both of us c——suckers alike, and ain't through any sin of mine I was the one as f—kin' endured."

God and his interaction with Sophia was so cute out-of-context, too.


Also even though the producers successfully waited out both Justified and SoA, Kim Dickens and Titus Welliver, at least, still have TV commitments.


Way lower on the spectrum than a lot of their unrewarded stuff, in fact.

I don't have a ready retort because I've never talked to another human being who's seen it. Oops.