
It's not like he said something really offensive like "Santa isn't white."

…in pog form.

It can be two things.

I think it's pretty clear there's nothing too wingnutty he can say that'll drive them away; it'll have to be his ego leading him to insult some person or group they actually care about. The McCain thing wasn't it because his base hates McCain more than they love veterans. If he burns out (rather than fades away after

Nothing ruins a person like a robust Twitter presence, and Oswalt has had one for a while but it's become central to his brand, such as it is, in the last couple years. I imagine the backlash is a mix of people who hate social media chatter being turned into slow-news-day mystery meat and people who don't really care

He was gonna kill my mom. He still might.

They should call him Patton "Sam Giancana" Oswalt because he assassinated those presidential hopefuls as a message to their brother to stop investigating the Mafia and then got a patsy to take the fall!

I appreciated him having the self-awareness to wonder if he should be railing against "political correctness" when that's also something Donald Trump does.

I liked the part when he was so angry at Megyn Kelly for suggesting he's a misogynist that he RT'd a guy calling her a "bimbo" multiple times.

I KNEW Bono was a red herring.

A month or so from now I want to compare my drunken livetweets of this and the True Detective finale this weekend and see if I can tell which is which.

To be fair, the last thing Friedkin did also lured a good actor away from terrible comedies.

I was bummed when Michael Mann left this but Friedkin is actually better-suited.

But that's what Mirror Universe Mormons who come to your door with free booze wear!

That still sounds less embarrassing than those interviews-with-randos-in-the-lobby spots they do when the opening weekend is bad.

On the one hand I would really like Hollywood to stop trying to make fetch happen with Joel Edgerton but on the other, Rebecca Hall and Allison Tolman in the same movie oozes "shut up and take my money" for me.

Their magic was so powerful they sent the cops back in time to the mid-80s.

I'm totally down with that idea, and I think women working in male-dominated genres should be encouraged, but Amy is more than a female villain, she's a story MRAs tell each other around the campfire. Diondra's not quite as bad, because as an archetype she's more rich-teen-id laid bare than anything else.

Moretz is one of those kid actors who a) played some of the roles I most associate with her when she was a lot younger and b) still looks like a kid, so the way they hit the ground running casting her as young adults kind of confused me even though I get that it's age-appropriate.

"Ohhh, I'm afraid the escape clause will be quite null and void by the time your friends arrive."