
Sooo… the guy wasn't going to rape Ani…. because… the other women…. okay, kid, whatever.

Since this went up, they've added one that begins "It seems to me to be a most barbershop and sinister business," which sounds like a line from Clockwork Orange fanfiction.

I'm Not A Cop, Internet.

Wow, never mind, maybe THIS is Bill Cosby.

It's hats ahead.

No, I don't think they knew they were going to be drugged with something that clearly wasn't Molly so they could be raped (which is what it's called when you have sex with someone too intoxicated to consent).

But as covered below, they were told they were getting club drugs, not something nightmare-acid-trip-inducing.

Meh, I'm pretty sure he knew he was about to have sex with a woman his host had gotten high as a kite under false pretenses. He was pretty damn culpable.

Why would you get up to shady business when you stand out as noticeably as a skinny cop? That's like a redhead with an eyepatch robbing banks.

Scary New Mexican is my favorite AMC show besides Drunk Man Makes Ads.

"You wanna keep it down?"
"Please limit our interactions."

It reminds me of one of Low Winter Sun's worst flaws, that it was a show about a majority-black city and moreover a city largely shaped by black culture, and it was still only slightly less white than the average cop show.

Ay, lo siento. Mi Espanol es de octavo grado.

Also one of our leads is named "Antigone."

Ay yi yi! Yo soy El Rey Amarillo!

It makes perfect sense for an old blue-collar Boston Irishman to be racist, I just meant it's very much telling rather than showing for him to just randomly drop a slur in the midst of narration that has nothing to do with it. Maybe a better example would be Keanu Reeves in The Gift yelling "You ain't no better than a

It's one thing to show gangbangers as bad people, it's another to depict Latinos in Southern California as being almost exclusively gangbangers.

You're not wrong, especially considering the season has featured black and Asian characters in all walks of life comparatively. I will say I don't think we're supposed to be sympathetic to Frank when he drops slurs; those are more a clumsy attempt to establish him as a Bad Guy, like when Jack Nicholson uses the n-word

We brought back Terriers… but at what cost?

In Ani's version of the joke, the baby tomato keeps asking who that guy is and if he showed up in an earlier episode.