
I got the implication that the creepy old men were into Weird Stuff that the women couldn't reasonably expect to come with the territory.

"McConaughey es bueno… Senor Vaughn es el diablo."
"Pish-posh, McConaughey and I are peas in a pod! We both spent the first decade of the 2000s making bad comedies, but mine made money, dammit!"

It was nice of the federal government to loan out Charles Manson for an episode.

Variety (and therefore the AV Club) are totally missing the best part of the El Chapo parallel: that the book was published a month before it happened, and the character was already consciously based on Guzman.

I got to see him speak in DC a couple weeks ago and a guy asked him if Neal Carey was ever coming back (he said maybe, since he was so emotionally exhausted from writing on this subject).

God, I've cried at the occasional show or movie recently but I don't think I've cried at a book in about a decade until I read Pablo's blog post.

Bale was just boring and opaque
Was? This was the movie that made me realize that, with an exception here and there, everything Bale does is the same marble-mouthed, dead-eyed stoic.

Not if the rumors about him wanting Leonardo DiCaprio for the protagonist, who is half-Mexican and like 55, are true.

Shades of my all-time favorite Sol Starr moment on "Deadwood," "I'm gonna go and do that… thing, Seth."

That seems like such a no-brainer that my only excuse is that I may have just repressed the entire concept of surrogacy after the last episode.

"Oh my God! They killed Chilton!"

On the bright side, Gillian Anderson will look at most a year older.

Comparatively minor thing that's been bugging me: how does Alana still have her license if she turned up pregnant with the bastard child of her patient?

It can be two things.

I shall not attempt to further define Gornography today, but I know it when I see it.

I can see how a man who worked on the Bush campaign might not take the desired lessons from that.

Well, the official line on JFK on the right is now that he was a conservative who'd be horrified by modern-day Democrats.

Eh, he's pretty into the whole aristocrats-rule-us-all thing, they just pretend to be good ol' boys in his version.

George Orwell was a socialist, that doesn't stop every right-wing drongo with an Internet connection from comparing antidiscrimination laws to 1984.

The Tribbles would all be played by Duggars.