
It's the natural crossroads of the whole "The Rich and Powerful: They're Just Like Us!" school of political coverage and the cringeworthy, Jonah Goldberg-esque "The entertainment I like validates my politics" thing Cruz does (see also "I listen exclusively to country music because of 9/11."

Give me your tired, your bores,
Your muddled asses yearning to be prez,
The wretched Texan of the Senate floor,
Send this, the shameless, back up North, I sez;
I'd sooner lift my lamp to Alan Moore.

Clearly Shatner is not familiar with the Death of the Author Because He Couldn't Afford Healthcare theory.

Oh, a sarcasm detector. That's a REAL useful invention.

Yeah but Justified wasn't six seasons of Raylan seeming half-asleep and pursuing criminals who operated on island resorts.

Certainly sounds more plausible than the action hero they're trying to sell Pratt as, who just comes across like Burt Macklin every time he's required to be serious.

[Reza Aslan angrily tweets Adam Scott's address]


One time my dad sent a text that autocorrected "Meryl Streep" to "Medulla Stereo." I told him that sounded like Werner Herzog's drag persona.

Yep. Whereas he's basically a lower-key Tommy DeVito from Goodfellas in Animal Kingdom, and the kind of deeply flawed but somehow sympathetic sadsack you'd see in a Lumet movie in Bloodline.

He has Colin Farrell Syndrome. They're trying to make him a movie star when he makes a much better weirdo.

If I had a bottom dollar I wouldn't be going to State College Spikes games.

I think I'll start a poorly-designed blog alleging Cosby arranged Tracy Morgan's accident because that joke hit too close to home and see how long it takes people to take it seriously.

Bah-nah! Bah-nah-bah-nah-BAH-NAH!

Don't spoil them, Battlestar Galactica is still on in 2005!

Friggin' Citizens United.

Well, there's also the fact that "politically correct" is rapidly becoming as undefinable an insult as "gay" is to a fifth-grader.

And as the Confederate flag hoopla has demonstrated, there are plenty of people who think a private company or citizen deciding not to endorse or enrich awful things/people somehow constitutes Teh PC Fascizms.

Fantastic Four movies are at roughly the same quality level though.

Yeah I think this is a grayer area than, say, not actively enriching him by continuing to air reruns. This errs more on the side of "I don't want my name to come up when you Google Cosby."