
Yeah, these are current business ventures we're talking about. It's no more erasure to cut him out of those than it would be to refuse to hire a registered sex offender as an office manager even if he's a really, really good office manager.

The thing is, though, Cosby was so respected in his field that it's hard to separate continuing to appreciate his comedy and apologizing for him, as demonstrated by Seinfeld joking about literally worshipping him. It's like all the auteurs who don't think Roman Polanski should be extradited because he directed

Bing Crosby would probably have liked to be removed from his biography too.

I would be willing to bet that there's a pretty big overlap between people who think Cosby is getting a raw deal and people who think "political correctness" is a thing.

He's extremely well-respected but more to the point, he's socially conscious to the point of making Common look like Li'l Jon, and literally the only reason anyone could think his message was damaging the black community was if they heard him Say a Swear and automatically dismissed it.

I think it's hard to get worse than treating Coco Chanel as a feminist icon. Nothing says fighting for intersectional equality like a literal Nazi.

Oh, wait 'til 9/11 was long enough ago that Trutherism gets a veneer of validity.

"I'm worried what you just heard was, 'Give me a lot of money.'
What I said was, 'Give me all the money you have'. Do you

Yep. Much like there's nothing racist about using "black" as a racial descriptor but your eyes should narrow when you hear Donald Trump talking about how he's "got a great relationship with the blacks."

That's part of a way, way too time-honored tradition among people the press anoint as Queens of Feminism. Lord, did I get sick of people eulogizing Joan Rivers, who spent the last few decades of her life calling other women fat and ugly and towards the end got pretty openly racist, as some sort of feminist pieta.

Walker, like Paul Ryan, is a horrible, horrible person who's learned how to play a Pawlenty-esque vanilla Sim.

The Village Voice spotlighted how for all his talk about how he's genuine because he's not beholden to lobbyists or a career politician, pretty much all of his success is due to his or his daddy's political connections.

And somehow still not as dumb as Geraldo Rivera saying "Alright"—that song specifically—was more harmful to black people than racism was.

It's really telling how resolutely Ted Cruz, a man who is in theory in competition with him, is defending every dumb thing he says. Cruz can't alienate the "I couldn't tell you any of that feller's policy positions but I like him 'cuz he ain't POLITIC'LY C'RRECT!" crowd because he needs to scoop them up after Trump

Maybe not "poor" but I really don't think he's thought too hard about the sustainability of self-funding a doomed campaign while making himself too radioactive for any of his business ventures.

And once that entire generation ages out of politics we can transition seamlessly into a generation of candidates who shared racist memes on social media.

John McCain said his supporters were crazy and Trump said McCain wasn't a war hero because he got captured.

I've always thought people who considered giving kids trophies for making an effort to be some ominous Sign of the Times were huge weirdos, but giving people Grammys for making an effort might be pushing it.

I'm not seeing how a guy who's better than Hillary Clinton on almost every policy makes a good "plant" unless he thought the somebodies were on the right.

I remember when he won the Grammy and he was literally standing in front of the gay woman who sings the hook when they accepted it. If you put that in a movie reviewers would make fun of how on-the-nose it was.