
I remember in the first season people were wondering if they'd gone so nuts with the crime scenes there might be no way of keeping Dolarhyde's murders from being anticlimactic. I am no longer concerned about that.

"I don't think he's coming back."

But he's giving orders.

"Take off your mask" indeed.

That scene and the next, where even as she "wins" she can't hold back the tears.

Supposedly Fuller really, really wanted Chi McBride but I assume if anything had happened with that we'd have heard by now.

I thought Jack was retired/forced out after the Red Dinner.

Siri, where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?

What of the melvins?

They Thought This Was a Dog Who Got Biz-zay; What Happened Next Will Make You Cry.

This is definitely a misuse of the term; it refers to things that intentionally omit information rather than summarize, like places like Upworthy do. Buzzfeed running a piece on 20 Chinchillas Who Are All "Bye Felicia" isn't clickbait; You Won't Believe What These Chinchillas Are Like is.

If I knew any of her songs or albums this would be a killer Howard Zinn-related pun about one of them.

Getting investigated for the heinous crime of being edited unflatteringly.

That's faecist.

I think it's a kind of Selena Gomez.

Oh yeah, I'm no fan of hers (she's really nowhere near enough on my radar for me to have an opinion) and this sounds like it was pretty standard famous-person do-you-know-who-I-am-ism, but to compare it to a guy who wants our nuclear launch codes saying that Mexicans are just rapists in general is just unbelievably

Nice, you're already ahead on the boycott!

The Pastry or the Tiger

I liked the actual sitting member of Congress who whined about how people were ending their business relationships with Donald Trump but not with Grande. Whoda thunk "I can't believe the ESPYs honored a former Olympian and not Da Troops" would only be the second dumbest false parallel of the past couple weeks?

I'd be willing to bet there's a big ol' overlap between the people distraught about Atticus' regression and the Academy members who read hostility to white people in "Selma."