
The closest he comes to taking a stand on an explicitly racial issue is telling Scout not to say the n-word because it's "common," and extrapolating "fundamentally incapable of racism" from that is literally the exact thing Obama was warning Marc Maron about.

Also they don't seem to remember that Atticus is never portrayed as particularly enlightened on race, simply committed to not letting an innocent man fry, which, yes, not presuming the guilt of a black defendant is pretty progressive for the prewar South, but tons of people fitting that description found their inner

What a nice young man.

No, Ted Cruz is weird too.

That's why I'm so glad she, like Laverne Cox, spoke so much about the trans people who don't have her money and safety in visibility.

Iran, meanwhile, is more progressive on trans people than the United States.

Imagine how much you have to hate trans people to pretend to care about the outcome of the ESPYs.

Didn't you hear? Awards are a big deal and their integrity must be defended now that you can use that as an excuse to sh!t-talk a trans woman.

Yay for the unexpected Ben Mendelsohn nod and all the Bessie love, boo for thinking Game of Thrones is still watchable.

See? Ancient history, unlike them dang Demmycrats being segregationists in the '50s.

You think it's the other guy but it turns out it was Matthew McConaughey.

"I sired them all, of course."

I can't even make a joke about a show about a Mafia family because that's been a thing for years.

It's just excited to see one of its own running for president.

That will be way, way more offensive to the Duggars' target audience than the presence of a child molester.

This is another of your comments that works perfectly in Gene's voice.

Oh, there's not a doubt in my mind his sisters think that at least, and quite possibly were explicitly told as much.

Well, she should have thought about THAT before her ancestor ate of the Fruit of Knowledge.

To take a side in the culture war is to automatically have a fanbase that thinks holding you accountable is a conspiracy by the other side.

Name redactedddddddddddddddddddddddddddd!