
The Master and Commander.

Hangin' out the passenger side
Of the sheriff's ride

Excusing the Duggars Because Lena Dunham or something is pretty doctrinaire at this point.

Don't forget having to go "Oh, jeez, where'd this check from the group that was Dylann Roof's acknowledged inspiration come from?"

Like their entire support network outside of their family being people who think exactly the same way they do about sexual assault being a youthful folly that must be nipped in the bud.


Cougar Jonestown.

Two months from now when they turn into uncontrollable green monsters whenever they feel shame for being aroused, we'll know who to blame.

It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

The new Star Wars looks so good.

Still annoyed Peters was in True Detective for all of a minute (to introduce racial implications to the case that are never spoken of again).

It can be two things.

Because racism ended in in 1965, silly!

Oscar Isaac is everywhere, but it's totally warranted
He's the Anti-Worthington.

Springtime for Manson

It's pretty disappointing that "wear down all the literal insane people until only the relative moderate legacy admission who still won't win is left" is apparently going to be a regular thing now, but I guess it beats the alternative.

"I'm going to the movies with my bubbe."
"You're not taking both of them?"
"Well, one's dead."

[nods sagely]

All you have to do is say "Um, okay. And?" and she'll burst into flames.

I do love how Jordan is getting visibly sick of Frank's floweriness.