
And rargle-rargle how come they took The Dukes of Hazzard off the air, but also took The Cosby Show off the air?
Wait, gimme a minute.

Cosbys Say the Damningest Things.

And how come their negative movie reviews never mention other, unrelated movies that were also bad?

"I don't understand it! Lou Reed went mad in 15 minutes!"

It was a really good call to play the ridiculousness of the mayor's family for laughs in general, since I can see how a show that tends toward self-seriousness like this one might be tempted to try to play them straight.

Well, if it doesn't suck they can just issue a correction.

His vaguely-babyfaced-but-with-something-just-slightly-off look really worked for Zero Dark Thirty.

I like Jordan a lot too, what little we've seen of her. She's a middle ground between a Lady Macbeth and an innocent Real Housewife who just likes the pretty things Frank's dealings get her. Pizzolatto seems very set in his ways but she does really seem like a course correction for a lot of complaints about the female

Do Woodrughs Dream of Electric Schmucks?

For a split second I went "Wow, they were going so hard for 'Lynchian' they brought in David Lynch."

Different reviewers.

Yeah her superior is also black, so I definitely got a sense of someone who had to find a way to leverage absolutely everything she has to advance in that kind of boys' club sharing a tip.

I'm surprised a show with disillusionment at man's depravity as a central theme and Leonard Cohen took this long to meet in the middle.


Right, he's fine. He's an actor capable of really great work doing blockbuster rent-a-beefcake-quality work. He comes off like he hates being there.

Almost looked like the demon from Spirited Away I thought.

Glad Ray's sticking around but I was way, way more worried about Molly Solverson between episodes.

If anything, it probably had more to do with Fukunaga being Pizzollatto's foremost frame of reference for a director he's actually worked with.

I mean, it's not like Bale's action-movie acting is any better.

Frank was way less the pseudophilosophical rough Rust equivalent in this one and more the barely-buttoned-up thug-gone-semi-legit and I thought it worked much better.