
Also she has no illusions about what Mason is like she did with Hannibal and I'd be very surprised if her endgame is "Pleasure doing business with you."

"We were like, is that even a thing?"


Last time he had the even worse plan to run as a single-issue candidate and then had absolutely nothing to say when that "issue" ended up even deader than it already was.

Well, except during his doubling-down tour he insisted he wasn't JUST talking about Mexicans, which a- doesn't really make it any better and b- is a blatant lie.

I mean, SOMEBODY is listening, given all the news about the social and professional consequences the sad pretend-rich man is facing for being gross and racist.

Hey you were the one who heard "despicable trolls" and thought your honor as a conservative had been besmirched.

Rick Perry offered a tepid-but-surprising-at-all-coming-from-him disavowal today.

Wow, so the idea that you're not a victim unless you "act like one" enshrined in law. What a great idea.

Most people's image of the source of victim-blaming is bros or catty teenage girls, but nobody is half so vicious about it as self-styled moralists. The courage this takes is astounding.

And did you know that cancerAIDS isn't even a real disease? Nobody gets their facts straight anymore.

Well, except Huckabee, who's going with the always-effective "call Beyonce a prostitute and defend a kiddy-fiddler" option.

I think it's more that their primary loyalty is to virality, which applies to a lot of feelgood progressive stuff but also applies to anything this stupid.

"All the voters in Iowa are SOBs."

I think he might have found the limit, though. Are there really people who think "I started listening exclusively to country after 9/11 because rock as a genre didn't respond patriotically enough" sounds like a genuine human sentiment?

In keeping with the theme, I, for one, welcome our YouTube Comment Overlords.

Considering everything he's ever said is Martin going "Pick me, teacher, I'm ever so smart!" this seems like old news.

Yep. Nailed it. Obama saying he opposed gay marriage until it was no longer politically expedient (after having supported it while only seeking state office) is EXACTLY like Cruz saying it was the worst thing that ever happened to the country.

You know a lot of people know that and simply emphasize that someone this obnoxiously Amurkan was born in Canada because that fact is hilarious, right?