
Counterpoint: I tried to read "Perfidia" on a treadmill.

Well, that was a collapsing-marriage plot rather than a post-divorce custody plot.

I really don't get what's wrong with this season that wasn't wrong with the first, besides the absence of the leads, and I'm thinking maybe people just had over a year to realize how much those things bugged them the first time around.

I was really pleasantly surprised, given the show's issues with women, how they actually did a custody-on-the-line plot where the mother's perspective is 100% sympathetic.

Your entire personality is an extended criticism of my values
The A.V. Club

Does your corrupt city manager make TOO MUCH NOISE?

TV Guide summary for next week is pretty unambiguous (won't say which way for those who want to watch for themselves).

Corrupt, drunk and angry is no way to go through life, son.

I heard somebody say Kitsch lacks the range to play an inexpressive character and I think that's a pretty fair assessment.

Just watched "Nightcrawler" this afternoon so someone out there really wants me to buy Briana Barksdale as SoCal law enforcement.

I'm seeing double! Four Tom Hardys!

Which is still dumb, because an actress feeling the need to get plastic surgery to continue getting work doesn't really undermine the idea that Hollywood is sexist.

Engaging an argument any actual person is making? Is that even a thing?

[Minion meme about back pain]

I wonder why your other account was banned.

The "Old Man Yells At Cloud" image hasn't gotten this much mileage since Clint Eastwood spoke at the RNC.

Clarence Thomas' dissent from the gay marriage case. ("Dissent" may not be the legal term but suffice it to say he was not writing for the majority.)

"Her opinion is invalid because I wouldn't hit that" is pretty sexist, actually.


"That lady who thinks Hollywood is sexist is ugly."