
GIFlessness will do that.

Mmm. Melted Steel Cheese.

Ah gotcha. Seriously wasn't out to be the Typo Cop, I'm just always vaguely fascinated by what former WH personnel end up doing.

Wait did you mean Ari Emanuel or is Ari Fleischer actually a Hollywood agent now?

Just imagine if every woman in Hollywood refused to put up with the
idiotic shenanigans of ugly, talentless nerd boys who think beautiful
women owe them their bodies? Are they gonna blacklist every single woman
in Hollywood? I think not.
I swear to God if someone steals my idea for a modernized Lysistrata set in

Being angry because you're on your period is a billion times more reasonable than being angry about not getting a part in an Adam Sandler movie.

Now I'm imagining this as Paulie Walnuts. Ya hear what I said, Ton'? I said she made over 64 Gs clickin' links, on her Google. Hehehe.

Dumber than "not honoring traitors on state property is historical revisionism"?

Antonin Scalia is on the right side of history.

It's worth noting that the agency probably did in fact drop her for the tweet even if Wenzel wasn't part of that decision.…

TV reference success, though! I broke even!

You can just say New York.

He's polling ahead of everyone but Jeb currently.

Perhaps they are saving that for Super Tuesday.

It's like the joke about the guy who kills his parents and asks the judge for leniency because he's an orphan.

A YOOJ Taco Bell.

I'm not here to make a record, ya dumb cracker!

Will says he is in the pilot.

They'll air in the normal slot.

Ugh. I feel dumb feeling this sad about it but I'm autistic and Will meant a lot to me representationally.