
That's worse than Jennifer Rubin immediately treating the 2011 Norway massacre as the work of Islamists and when she turned out to be wrong, saying this still proved how dangerous they were somehow.

You left out the worst part: he has an adopted Bangladeshi daughter and the staffers were hoping people would see a picture of her and (think they had) put two and two together.

It's weird to waste that kind of emotional energy on someone so thoroughly inconsequential.

Also having any kind of strong opinion about Kim Kardashian makes one a weirdo.

I mean, Christians ARE protected under hate crime laws. They have been for a lot longer than gay people.

Well, nobody's perfect.

I think raping AND murdering one's children gives one an edge over someone who just murdered them, but your mileage may vary. That judge hearing my case certainly didn't think that was relevant, for instance.

The Man from "The Road" is forever my #1.

Upvoted for "High Broderite."

Stupid gentrification, making it harder to identify the racists!

Counterpoint: Northern racism isn't preoccupied with deluding itself about "heritage" and "tradition" and "honor."

Oh, it is. Couldn't call it that if it wasn't.

I apologize for implying you seemed sullen and emotionally immature. I was way off-base.

"What's the extra 'n' for?"
"That's a typo."

You laugh but Infowars is Just Sayin' that some of his Facebook friends were black.

Not Some Like it Hot?

Not random people, just the guy whose response to a racist mass murder was "lol nothing matters."

That would be a better analogy if Oswald yelled "For communism!" while shooting. Oswald, like a lot of American assassins/would-be assassins (Richard Bremer, Samuel Byck, Charles Giuteau, John Hinckley, Jared Loughner, Squeaky Fromme), was something of an aimless loser whose politics weren't terribly coherent/aligned

"Are you trying to make yourself cry?"
"I'm SAD."

Youneda smack.