
Depressing as it is, no one who wasn't swayed on the issue by dead kindergarteners will be any more moved by the death of black people.

Great Job, Internet!: Patton Oswalt went on a masterful Twitter rant about how questioning Trevor Noah's skill is itself a hate crime

I'm pretty glad next week will feature actual plot instead of being Willy Wonka Boat Ride: The Series.

One of the most harrowing historical anecdotes I've ever read was the one about how MLK was at a book signing in New York and a woman got him right above the heart with a letter-opener, and all that saved him was keeping it in place while he got medical attention.

Yeah Fuller basically said he made Margot a femme because he didn't like the novel's implication that Mason abusing her turned her into Big Boo from OITNB (and/or possibly trans, Harris doesn't seem entirely clear on the difference).

Killing must feel good to Sandy Claws. He does it all the time.

So I wonder, is that the same void his proteges are intended to fill or a different need entirely?

Stannis' was so frustratingly ambiguous that I didn't realize until I went online that Brienne hadn't yelled and been tackled by some unseen assailant just as she drew her sword.

Yeah that's what I meant. It was perfect casting and his entire arc was "Ellaria, stop doing that."

I maintain that, first and foremost, this is a show that thinks its audience is really, really stupid, so I don't have high hopes for anything that complex.

The show's been working against any sympathy for Stannis from day one, though. Book-Stannis was a man who made an alliance with some sectarian forces he wasn't sure about because he felt honor-bound to take the Throne. Show-Stannis has the theology of an ISIS member.

No, see, it's honorable because he was a Bad Guy. We worked really hard to make him one, to the point of having him behave completely out of character.

What if Game of Thrones on current day? Jon look up parents on iPad

Mr. Owl, how many burns does it take to get to the center of a human?

It's not even really realistic anymore. It replaced the books' moral ambiguity with a child's sense of morality. So now the mutiny isn't because of Jon's questionable vision for the Watch, it's because the Bad Guys hate the wildlings and he doesn't. Similarly, let's make the drooling, giggling serial rapist/mass

Alexander Siddig as Doran might be the most theoretically-perfect, practically-completely-disappointing casting since Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor.

Pod is Bunk. Just a humble squire with a bigass Hodor.

So Melisandre is Dr. Girlfriend?

The most bleakly random thing that ever happened on The Wire, Omar's death, still felt about a billion times more calculated, and better-calculated, than pretty much anything this season.

Whether or not I would see such a movie depends almost entirely on whether they got Mickey Rourke for Matty Clark.