
Wait, “abortion means fewer people on Twitter” is meant to be an argument AGAINST it?

I would never in a million years pretend to know how much of anything works. What I don’t care for is how you thought I was off-base and decided there was no way to correct me without being a raging dick.

No but the fact that it’s really obvious that reading a single comment you perceive as misinformed led you to genuinely hate me kind of requires you to be angry with me. I don’t know what “Jergens” is.

I’m very sorry for understanding this less than you do and I hope someday you will find it in your heart to forgive me. Definitely didn’t mean to make you this angry.

I’m aware. Still took the mainstream press over a decade to start saying “Hey, so about you being a child-rapist.”

Wow the mainstream press are calling him out in like half as much time as it took them on Cosby! With this kind of progress maybe we can go after the next one within 5 years!

Comedians in general love the idea of “political correctness” being a thing because it means they get to spin not finding them funny as a character flaw.

Also correction, her beef is not with the pundits but with the PUN-DINTS.

Kristen Wiig is funny but she doesn’t get enough credit for her dramatic range.

Yeah I don’t know how well his George W. Bush-doing-an-offensive-impression-of-a-gay-guy delivery will play in the country at large.

He is like the highest-level exemplar of how American conservatism is no longer an ideology so much as an assortment of weird memes.

I’ve gotta call shenanigans on the idea that he pre-researched a loophole just because every single thing he’s ever done has been marked by dumb, impulsive viciousness and it’s really hard to picture his thought process being any more complex than “ME PUNISH BITCH.”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">That fuckin&#39; Planned Parenthood shooter couldn&#39;t look any more like a fuckin&#39; Planned Parenthood shooter.</p>&mdash; The Rude Pundit (@rudepundit) <a href="…">November 28, 2015</a></blockquote>
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Thanks for that. It does us no favors to act like you have to separate us from a fundamental part of our identities.

I’m seriously shocked that anyone was dumb enough to think that fake passport was legit, as though a suicide bomber just happens to grab his passport in case he needs it. That’s the kind of clue Inspector Lestrade would get all excited about before Sherlock Holmes made fun of him for being so naive.

Oh come on, Ben Carson’s not that old.

No see we only have them in areas where no one is armed, like southwestern Virginia or Arizona.

There would have been the shootout at the O.K. Corral

Well if that was the case maybe he shouldn’t have given transphobia as his stated reason.

Wedge-faced ass didn’t even use “whom” right.