
Absolutely. He’s a grown up. He’s a trained professional. This did not need to escalate. In fact, the moment the kid said “hey don’t talk to that girl like that!” all he had to fucking do is roll his eyes and go back in his house. His wannabe alpha macho ego is what made him lunge at the kid.

Ex cop here.

These are kids, for crying out loud. KIDS. He, as a fucking police officer who has had significant training for these types of situations, should know how to handle it without having to pull out his gun and shoot it. It was not the child’s responsibility to de-escalate shit.

Or if the kids had been white. We’ve been working hard to change our social norms and now is the time to raise hell about our desired norms being broken. They need to be told a thousand times over that this shit is UNACCEPTABLE.

Probably because he fell backward over a shrub, it embarrassed the hell out of him, so he had to re-establish is Alpha male position - which meant firing while surrounded by kids.

Why do you have a fucking gun out to confront a 13-year-old about crossing your lawn in the first goddamn place?

Fuck that POS cop for sure, but I don’t know what you want from that old white dude who appeared to be using a crutch to get around and someone had already called the police.

What the entire fuck did I just watch???? That is a child he is manhandling over nothing!! And then he pulls his gun put because people are rightfully trying to get him off the kid?? And shoots it?????? I’m fucking livid! Administrative leave my ass he should be in jail!

It makes absolutely no sense that his gun just “went off.” He had no business carrying a loaded gun in the first place. And he just happened to have the safety off and what, it fell out of his pocket and into his hand?

Watch the video. This is some racist fucking bullshit. He needs to be

Yeah, but nobody thinks that they’re “rich rich.”

I’m also a chronic over-tipper. Because I couldn’t do any of their jobs if you paid me twice my current salary. I did temp work in the summers and one month at a call center nearly killed me. I work in advertising! I add zero value to the world, but they keep paying me for it.

This is VERY true. Growing up, I went to inner city public schools where the couple of “rich” kids had lawyer dads and got used cars for their 16th birthdays. My one friend had a lake house and went to Hilton Head every year for spring break.

It’s all relative to what you see around you. I went to public school in Mexico and was one of the “rich” kids there. My dad made about 200 dollars a week (converted from pesos) while my friend’s parents made about $20 a week. Then for middle school my parents sent me to a private school and there I was one of the

It really hit me when we had to do class projects in 3rd grade and I did mine on the Titanic because the movie had just come out so it was easy to obtain magazines and information about it. I made a replica Titanic out of a empty plastic cat food container because that’s all there was around my house. At the time I

When I was in the fifth grade and Joshua Winstead told everyone that his mother had made sure to invite everyone in our grade to his birthday except me because my family couldn’t possibly afford a good enough gift for her precious baby’s big day.

Yeah, but unless you’ve experienced it its hard to explain. You totally can go through life like that without actually realizing how rich you are. My mom makes better than a quarter million dollars a year and I went to a private school where mine was one of the poorest families. I look back on it and go, holy shit

As someone who used to babysit rich kids in CT, I agree. They don’t know any different. Everyone else involved in their lives is rich or help and kids don’t assume the help is poor. Even the moms would forget sometimes and give me some time off to “hang with my friends” while we were on vacation in Martha’s Vineyard

Spoiler alert you grew up rich. The evidence I used was trips to Europe and Private college.

I don’t know if Blue Ivy understands yet that her family is “special.” She is a very little kid and has lived a rarified existence, so it’s likely that she thinks everyone lives this way. I imagine it’ll be quite some time before she understands the broader world and her family’s place in it.