Means (who, at 15, was a boy, not a man), crossed the street to Pulliam, but Pulliam’s assertion the boy was armed seem unsubstantiated at the moment.
Means (who, at 15, was a boy, not a man), crossed the street to Pulliam, but Pulliam’s assertion the boy was armed seem unsubstantiated at the moment.
He’s not the brightest spoon, I’m guessing. Hope he rots.
Right?! Everyone is just lovely to each other and I LOVE IT. There is zero interpersonal drama. I mean, people still talk about baked alaska gate
If you like stories written in different voices try David Mitchell - The Bone Clocks, Ghostwritten, Slade House or Cloud Atlas!
He’s Scottish - it’s entirely possible to live here and know virtually no people of colour well. Also we are, tbh, a bit crap with the whole racial sensitivity thing.
I saw him in the real lives once (pub in Dublin) and his skin is so perfect it is literally like porcelain. Just perfectly clear and smooth. I want whatever moisturiser he's using.
My great grandfather was black, and was in the trenches as part of the Scottish army. There weren't many black soldiers, but they were some.
Yeah, you guys are cool.
Of course! All are welcome in the Glorious People’s Republic of ScotLonCastle.
I’m an English teacher, and I’m pro the idea that content warnings should be given for potentially triggering material in schools. I mean a vague list, like ‘This texts contains self-harm and description of physical abuse’, rather than a detailed summary of exactly what happens.
I was in shock all Friday about it. What a disaster. I'm Scottish, so independence is looking like the best option for us right now tbh. London and Newcastle can come with us!
I respectfully disagree, and submit ‘Crywank’ for your consideration.
I think it was a residential camp for kids with fairly severe behaviour problems from ‘nice middle class families’.
Enjoy! But seriously ... have some cuddly animal YouTube videos lined up for after you read the Wasp Factory. It’s amazing, but in a kind of ‘Well now I need to bleach my brain’ kind of way!
Thanks! Your wee guy is adorbs.
Quite a bit! The Wasp Factory (headfuck), Transition (mind bending scifi), The Steep Road to Garbadale, The Quarry (twisted family drama), Complicity (didn't like so much - couldn't care about the character) and Stonemouth (you'll like this one if you liked the Crow Road!).
‘This too shall pass’.
Dracula is a surprisingly readable classic, if you haven’t got to it yet!
I love the Crow Road! Iain Banks is very readable. I use the opening sentence of that book (‘It was the day my grandmother exploded’) as a creative writing prompt with my students and they always love it.