
Marcy is probably the biggest indicator of how shallow the writing is in Fallout 4. She’s this ever present character for the whole game, but she never changes. She just spews the same venom, and wanders around your settlement. For such a big presence, why wasn’t she given more dialouge?

While the ‘mons aren’t the best fakemons I’ve seen, I would be all over a fire bear starter. :D

I’m still not sure why these are so popular. Most of the people I know that have bought one wouldn’t have touched a regular subcompact with a ten foot pole, but have gone nuts over these.

I guess so, though it doesn’t imply such a specific set of values or lifestyle that hippie does. It’s more of a personality trait, or a way to describe that somebody understands the world on a more complete level?

Yeah, it’s a weird choice. I was just explaining it to our friend who didn’t understand. I knew what “woke” meant before the article, so the headline made sense to me in a literal sense. Obviously the article is meant to be a joke, but it’s not very funny.

“Woke” basically means “socially concious”, or “aware and conscientious”.

A better comparison would be an article announcing the title of the new Star Wars movie to be “The Force Awakens”. A title and logo are not spoilers.

115 HP, and 80 lb/f of torque doesn’t seem close to me. That’s more than the difference between a 4 cyl. and 6 cyl. Accord, and those are like night and day.

I don’t see why all of these can’t be real official Pikachus. Not all animals of the same species look exactly the same in our world!

Well, really you want to do it when you have parked your warm car somewhere it will get snowfall on it. If you park your car after a long drive and it is is snowing enough to stick all that snow is going to melt on your warm windshield and pool around your wipers. Then it will freeze into a half inch of ice, and then

It’s not illegal to not file a claim with your insurance company, and to have the car repaired on your own dime. However, the other party may have made a claim on his insurance.

I got a subscription to PC Gamer every year for Christmas as a kid. I didn’t get a lot of new games so I hoarded those demo discs like gold.

Yes, people can fucking read your fucking comment where you shared the article originally. You made a mistake where you literally typed the following.

That too, yes. :)

A Kei car is a special class of cars that only exists in Japan. They’re limited to an engine displacement of 660 cc, and a power output of 63 hp. They’re usually really small too.

Yeah, Okamiden. It was a really good game, but didn’t quite capture the magic of Okami, due to the limitations of the original DS. I’m not sure that Okami would have the same impact on a handheld, due to the visual nature of its impact.

As someone who has plenty more than $385 to “spare”, that doesn’t mean I should buy every expensive trinket that flashes past my vision just because I have the cash in my bank account. That’s an easy way to getting yourself in over your head.

Yep! Usally when somebody is shopping used it’s easier to guide them away from a really bad deal.

Yep! I always appreciate it when somebody asks me if what they’re buying is good, so I can just say yes. :)

I feel like I’m always inundated with requests from non-computer people to suggest a windows laptop that they will use for word processing, Facebook, and Netflix. I almost always suggest something moderately priced, not the cheapest model, usually a brand they will recognize. Then they will decide they need something