
Isn't their son really THE LICH though?

So… Divergent is the worst movie of the last decade but the AV Club's previous review gave it a B-? That's a solid score…

That was pretty terrible

I really just don't think the Toyota stuff was that bad… yeah Toyota dealerships were constantly in the episode, but unlike some shows I've seen recently, they never stopped the hijinks to talk about why Toyotas are awesome and what not.

I think a B is pretty generous, this was poor..

Yeah I don't get all the love for her… when she comes out on Weekend Update, I'm usually dissapointed, she's just gonna be loud for a few mins and do standup instead of some kind of actual bit

Actually, it was almost exactly like a joke used on Family Guy before where Stewie says "I know you're all doing your own thing this week but our preschool teacher turns off the cameras and beats us" and it gets ignored

Kinda bullshit that you guys are stopping coverage of this and Revenge… I might find another place to get my entertainment news and review fix…

Kinda upset ya'll are ending coverage on this and Once Upon a Time. Came here every week excitedly after the episode to read ya'll's take on it. Definitely a huge letdown.

I know this is an ancient comment from 3 years ago, but it bothered me. Okay, so granted there are many in the gay community obsessed with thinness and what not, but suddenly that means that nobody except for other large people would have sex with Cam? What?

Are yall not gonna review the two latest episodes?

Maybe this episode is non-canon, and takes place in a universe where both The Simpsons and Futurama characters exist at some point?

In True Blood's defense, all the episode titles are titles of songs

Yeah, earlier this season, even in a Hep-V weakened state, Eric was able to rip the face off a Yakuza guy with ease… don't think he'd have much problem with them now that he's healed.

Seriously… if anything, Eric has aged well like a fine wine… I'd still be all over that LOL

You can after Season 6 and the movie

The awesome part is that you are free to ignore both Community fans and the show! So have fun with that…

Yeah, cause we all gotta share your opinion lol

Weren't you guys kinda making fun of people who still held out hope at this point?

LOL I went to TL Hanna High School in South Carolina (where Radio is from/still wanders the halls) back when the movie came out… there was such a ridiculous amount of hype in our little Southern town for the movie… Everyone was talking about how it would "win an Oscar." They might have been slightly delusional since