
Perhaps blood magic is a branch of the greater tree known as dark magic… but probably just best not to question it, the magic on this show doesn't make a lot of sense all of the time lol

That would be absolutely amazing and I hope that happens LOL

Could be that she does figure it out, but it's a longer line that they cut down to fit in the promo…

She suspected back in the day that Fauxmanda wasn't the real deal… She says something in Season 1 like "There's no way that stupid girl is the daughter of David Clarke!" so maybe she finally followed up on that suspicion.

The one from that episode of Boston Public where Whitney Houston is some kid's prom date and sings at the end…. but then, I still love me some Whitney…

I always thought Headlines was hilarious but then any Engrish-y type thing is good to get a laugh from me.