
You sir are a rare breed. I tip my hat to you.

Me too actually. It looks like a Hyde music video. I love this factor. Plus the unhinged adventure they can get into will promote the exploration that is considered High Fantasy which is what the older ffs were all about.

Saw this scene.....and instantly caught my self saying "WOULD PLAY!"

The bandwagon went that way ———->

Tales are like the rivals brother from the same father as SO. Personally I prefer Tales games.

Tales doesn't look anything like any other franchise I can think of aside from other tales games and maybe the Suikoden Series. Other JRPGs are anime inspired too like SMT, but they look nothing like tales. It is obvious people are just being bias when they claim these games look the same.

Why do soo many western games look the same? Culture bro. Any many Japanese games are in the same series with the same artists. Most western games, especially RPGS and FPS look quite a bit a like too.

Actually in much the opposite too. Japanese culture and many Anime that came before Blade runner are also influences upon Blade Runner itself.

ooooooh I see what you did there. Trolling at its finest I suppose.

This..this sarcasm is beauty incarnate.

Hell yeah. Great notice there.


I was saying this exact same thing about 90% of the trailers I saw at E3.

oooohkay. I don't get it. I don't own a Vita and never play my PSP anymore. Quit frankly I'm fucking excited that this game will be not only COMING to the west but coming on a platform that I am interested in playing on and will be marketable. Sorry whiners but SE has to make money off their products too. I'm

If you are tired of stupid people then I'm sure you are tired of 90% of these articles on Kotaku. All they do is try to stir up controversy instead of posting on what people really care about....the actual content of the games!

Finally someone else noticed this. The main character doesn't look Araucanian at all. I don't see some pro Aryan statement here. I see crazed non-white, non-north american, drug lord / dictator attempting to look badass and powerful.

Bang for your buck. Something we don't see a lot nowadays with the DLC culture. At least most of the JRPGs still keep plenty of content on each new game.

Yes and it doesn't require antidepressants for each play through.

PLEASE SE! Grow a brain. You got something amazing here. Something that looks like a giant tribute to Mana fans (especially those of us who loved Legend) Please do yourself and us a favor and put this on the 3DS!!!!!! That is the only way it will sell properly..........sure I understand the free to play model is

In the end. You are a douche. Enough said.