
Does just being in Florida count as a glitch?

If one of those cubs dies in this movie I might have to boycott Disney.

Thanks for the nightmare fuel.

They need to create NanoSharks with lasers on their heads.

I'm in my mid thirties and i could only hear the 8000 Hz and 12,000 Mhz. I'm screwed.

I wonder how much money airlines would lose if this was built. I know it's just a small route but it's still money out of their pockets.

Finally, now i can drift around corners in the office. I live my office life a quarter mile at a time.

I don't know why people always use the holograms from Star Wars as an example, they had horrible image quality. Plus they are constantly flickering.

I have a feeling that the fall of civilization is tied to the destruction of T-shirt manufacturers everywhere.

I first read "put under general anesthesia" as "put under genital anesthesia"

Also that Robot on the runway can Work It!

Not sure, but this might be the worst sequel to Assassin's Creed so far.

Now playing

I would have to say this all the time while wearing this.

It's great at helping my lawn look great, but can it learn to love?

I missed a few minutes, did either of them ask for a Hydrospanner yet?

Seriously though, I always think it's amazing that i can watch this happen as i sit at my desk.

Who is filming this, J.J. Abrams? That's a lot of lens flare ;)