Your monthly check from the government will often be three-quarters larger if you claim at 70 instead of at 62
Your monthly check from the government will often be three-quarters larger if you claim at 70 instead of at 62
This title is dangerously close to clickbait. It makes Seinfeld out like he’s a jerk and trying to screw people. As stated in the article after the click, Jerry didn’t do anything wrong. Jerry is just asking the folks crying that they prove it isn’t what it’s supposed to be.
He *really* doesn’t need the money and has a pretty sterling reputation as a purveyor of fine Porsches, hard to see the incentive for him to dabble in intentional fakery like this.
I think the moment that turned Stan was when Philip says that Stan has to take care of Henry. Stan realizes in that moment that he can’t possibly explain to Henry that he had to arrest or kill his parents.
Stan got played for a sucker one last time. Really hard to believe he would let them go. That Philip comment about Renee should have gotten him a bullet in the chest.
I enjoyed the finale but god do I hate their use of music this season. When ‘With or Without You’ started playing I thought it was a little on-the-nose but figured I could tolerate it. But then it just kept. on. going. It ruined Paige’s goodbye for me. So much for subtlety. Again, I enjoyed the ep and thought they…
Maybe I’m a prisoner of the moment, but “I think there’s a chance Renee might be one of us...... I don’t know” is the best series cliffhanger ever.
Paraphrasing Willie Nelson:
I think the moment Stan decided what he was going to do, in his guts, is when Paige told him, “You have to take care of Henry.” He wouldn’t be able to get Henry if he either killed or arrested his parents and sister. He would be fucked up in Henry’s view, too.
I don’t think Stan necessarily bought everything, but what else was he going to do? He told them to lie down and they refused, Philip told him they were getting in the car and driving away no matter what, his only options were to shoot them or let them go. I think given those options he made the choice that was most…
I still thought Elizabeth might have reacted more effectively to Claudia’s hypocritical bullshit. I mean, she talks about Elizabeth betraying her country, when Claudia’s idea of country is this one group of schemers who want to control it at any cost.
I’m not sure if this would be seen as a cop-out, but from the conversation between Stan and Oleg, I’m detecting the idea that they might be aligning the Gorbachev faction with the FBI. As in, the FBI realize they must side with and help the Russians who are trying to save Gorbachev from the other Russians. And the…
Why would Elizabeth take the cyanide pill? It was given to her by the people she turned against now, she has no reason at all to die for them.
Noah Emmerich had an interesting thought on that. Below’s the segment relevant to that (emphasis added):
But the problem for Paige was not that her mother had used sex for espionage purposes, but that she had done so while lying to Paige. Which is actually a good explanation of why Paige should not have been brought into the spy business; she is not mature or intelligent enough to handle it.
It’s not like THEY moved across from him in episode 1, also why would he assume everything that happened in the DC area is just Elizabeth and Philip? Weren’t they rounding up hundreds of illegals?
Let’s not paint Stan as a saint, he also killed an innocent Russian guy because of his anger over Amador’s death.
Random thoughts and hopes on this simply superb show:
How do you have a long scene out in the hallway at FBI Headquarters and NOT have Mail Robot go rolling through? I mean COME ON!
After watching their marriage slowly come apart at the seams over the course of this season, it’s a hell of a bold choice to keep Philip and Elizabeth separated for the entire running time of the penultimate episode. It seems he got through to her last week—at least enough to get her to stop following orders—but that…