But space dust or particles would also produce infrared excess. What would preferentially absorb blue light but also not heat up from absorption of said light?
But space dust or particles would also produce infrared excess. What would preferentially absorb blue light but also not heat up from absorption of said light?
Seems like the writers/Producers/Directors read all the fan theories and then just picked plot points that fans hadn’t come up with yet so that there would be surprises. How stupid of a story-making decision is that?!
You guys really want to know about Snoke? - he’s random
You want to know about Rey? - she’s a rando.
These are not the sequels we were looking for...
Bullying is bad because you shouldn’t criticize someone you don’t know. But judging someone you don’t know by the color of their skin is okay? Mularkey!
It is impossible to bully someone who sports the Con-flag because they have already cast the first stone!
My goodness - the haterade in this reply-thread! What’s the matter with you people? Spawn had its moments. And it is certainly better than 90% of the reality show no-attention-span substanceless hype that the internet has drummed up recently.
What, anything longer than a “meme” and you can’t handle it?
Thank you. That mouse is an abomination on its own.
It also will not do anything if the courts/departments/govt refuse to prosecute (or even discipline) officers who are clearly shown to be in the wrong. Illegally wrong! How many Eric Garner type crimes have we seen over the last few years where the cops are CLEARLY wrong but courts decide they are “justified” in…
Eat the bugs too
Why would anyone want to read an *American* comment when the foreign ones are so much better? ...Keep your mouth shut!
Why, 30% of people know that!
Why bother with the camo? I’ll save everyone some time: “It looks like a Willys Jeep from 1943.”
I would be fine with switching to USB-C headphones and a tangle of dongles (technical term), but is there any reason to believe USB-C will be around for more than a few years? When will that change too?
Yes, but the idea that this technology makes it “impossible” to stop people from getting guns is nonsense. Here is a radical idea - make that machine illegal. Or - regulate aluminium frames. Or - regulate the bullets.
The point is - we make the laws, let’s make laws that protect people instead of weapons manufacturers!
I think Neil Tyson is probably just trying to inspire people into thinking. Period. But also he is saying that screaming “run away, run away” like Monty Python from a flying cow is not a good response to EVERY problem. And that seems to be America’s MO right now.
I hate the idea of a car company (any company) keeping more detailed records of my activities than I keep myself. The idea that you don’t *own* anything but merely license it is Orwelian terrifying!
And yet - Tesla has repeatedly used this info to defend itself against and defeat frivolous and moronic 1%’ers who are…
Isn’t 500ft “the ceiling” to denote the boundary that aircraft are never to go below? Chances are they were below that rather than exactly there. And what were they doing that low going that fast in a residential area? Somebody here needs to be grounded, and it ain’t the drone pilot...
I see shades of the original Chevy Volt experience happening here. Anyone remember how cool that looked? And then how big of a turd popped out in real life?
Hollywood: “Waaaaaaah, we only made TWELVE BILLION dollars when we thought we should have made 12.5....waaaahhhhhh.”
Get over it, Hollywood! We’re tired of you shoveling your tripe down our throats! ...I can’t wait for Youtube to replace you.
So the short answer is that the battery falls apart at 200K? Is there a Tesla out there that has gone beyond 200K without replacing batteries? I mean, isn’t replacing the battery a little like replacing the engine block in a gas-burner? Would you still tout a car going 300K miles if you only replaced one little small…
Save us Google Fiber, you are only hope ...