
Is anyone here talking about the awfully snug fit? I mean, even if the car is on a trolley of some sort that tunnel doesn’t look like it will fit an F150 (most popular vehicle in America).

Am I the only one who hopes that it is Green Lantern who shows up instead of Supes?
....I am?
oh, okay. Just checking. But yeah, that’d be way cooler than Big Blue.

I like how rules were set up that heroes had to be exclusively NY, not avengers bandying about the country/world/dimension, and then a third of the people listed are Avengers.
(also, half of the list is Spider-verse. Not complaining, it is big afterall, just sayin’)

These guys should be sued into prison. There is definitely a market (maybe a small one) for this vehicle, but instead of playing into it they have just tried to rip us all off.
I hope Ariel or Morgan steps into this market with a closed cabin instead.

Why is a public safety officer driving a vehicle that can top 100mph in 6 seconds?! What is safe about that? Or responsible budgeting on vehicles? Anybody else see a correlation between EU cops driving econoboxes and EU being much safer?

The assumption causing division here is that the “runway-mill” would have to be at least a mile long. This goes counter to what everyone believes a “treadmill” to be; namely, a short belt. Which in your hypothetical it is not.
It’s like if you made the premise of a situation that you have an apple but then describe a

“POWERTRAIN: 6.4 V8 • 8-Speed Auto • AWD”

Doesn’t every car advert say “starting at” as the price? No dif here, right?

I bought a CTS in 2008 for $30K. It was GREAT (at that price). It was too heavy and bad in the snow. Who cares. It was great overall. Looked amazing, handled like a champ, came with 3 pedals.
The ATS was lighter and more fun, but ugly and more expensive. The CT6 was too heavy and WAY too expensive. Here’s hoping they

As a designer I take horrible offense at “...there really is no good reason. It’s all about design perception...”
Design isn’t important? Torch, how many articles have you written about “ugly” cars? Design is 90% of what sells a car. Design is what sells 90% of the movies you watch. Aesthetics (how things “look”) is a

In 2008 I bought a brand new CTS for $31K and change. Minus incentives I paid less than 30k. It was stock, V6, didn’t even have a spare tire, but it was a fantastic car that turned a lot of heads and got me a lot of dates.
But at 54k, they have definitely priced themselves out of the 30-yr old market. I would love to

Somewhere between 100% and 200% profit it becomes unethical.
Buying something for 50 and selling for 100 is a smart deal. Buying for 50 and selling for 150 starts to be abuse.

I’ll take a Cadillac ElDorado if we are bringing back full-size coupes. Then again, I would have to go back to the 50s to get a Caddie with manual, yeah?

I still want Newt’s MOON BASE!

Isn’t this how we got Thomas Wayne as Batman in Flashpoint?

Not sure if they serve desert wine, but I’m pretty sure the bathrooms are a good place for bath salts and PCP!

If it’s so cool, how come it can’t do a proper donut?

Didn’t we see that in Logan? (the movie about Hugh Jackman’s career being over). But I think they were - much more sensibly - just shipping containers on a skateboard. Why do we need all the plastics?

I don’t understand the irrational hate for the Chevy commercials. They certainly aren’t as bad as Denis Leary screaming at me about Ford Trucks like a ZeroPunctuation video.

I agree with the conclusion, but as fewer manuals exist and only seem to exist in enthusiast cars, wont they also be increasingly unaffordable? That is my worry. I don’t have 30,000 dollars to spend on a 3rd car.