Zach Nelson

I wanted to love Destiny 2. I never got to play the first one since I’m only on PC. So when D2 came out I was all on board. My friends and I got it together and started playing all the way through to the raids. After that though it fell off for me fast, there wasn’t much reason for me to go back since I’m not a big

Now playing

How has no one posted this yet. Worthless ALL OF YOU!

If you can charge overnight then you’re probably okay. I would guess less than 0.1% of commuters drive less than 100 miles a day.

In this basketball game we have five news way to gamble!

I think Telltale died for a very good reason. They made very boring games.

As someone who loves using Sonic Ether’s Unbelivable Shaders (SEUS) but hates being a couple versions behind the latest, this is a godsend. Getting ray tracing with the latest version? Yes please!

I kind of want to check out NMS on my Vive. But I’ve really gotten into Warframe these past two weeks. Which is a hard game for beginners, but I somehow got through it! I just got a bought a new warframe and a skin for him so I now I need to play 30 more hours to justify that cost...

Sips was one of my favorite gaming YouTubers, so much character and life he brings into his little worlds. But he sadly moved onto Twitch only.

The only thing that keeps me from coming back to NMS is the grind. I remember it being super fucking grindy. You needed to grind for fuel and armor CONSTANTLY to be able to just fucking do the standard grind. On top of the animals and environment killing you all the time. Then when I was actually grinding HOLD THE

oh...oh no...VR support. But...I did nothing wrong...I lived a good life! WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE SUCH A CRUEL FATE! I JUST GOT INTO WARFRAME DAMNIT!!!

Lewis complains about his tires more than Grosjean complains. 

I think GS is going the same route as Blockbuster. The only thing I can see it saving itself is by partnering/merging/being acquired by a more broader tech retail company. And being the gaming brand of that retail experience. I’m sure Best Buy would love to have a GameStop section in their stores where anyone can come

Well the thing about that is, it’s a video game.

It says his shoes normally run for $130. Which I mean, if you’re not a sneaker head is A LOT of money for a pair of shoes. But the deeper you get into sneakers, even at MSRP, can run up to the $200-400 dollar range. I honestly would love a pair of the Patrick and Mr. Krabs, either one. Hopefully there’s an online drop.

I mean...we kind of do.

Right! I’m all about it, she’s taking these thirsty lads on a trip.

I wonder if you could use a transparent flexible screen over the eyes to have the same iris effect but without the mechanical sounds. That would also allow the eyes to shut completely and possibly make other digital graphics like an X or tiny slits in any angle etc.

Cool story bro.

Where do you draw the line? How many launchers is too many? What if every game you own needed its own launcher? Is that a good experience? Will you put up with dozens and dozens of launchers?

I’m gonna say yes and no.