Zach Nelson

It honestly depends on the situation. I grew up in the suburbs of south jersey, so not having a car was not an option. Then I moved to Philly. Now I only touch my car maybe once a week. But between all of my friends in the city, only about 2 or 3 of us have a car. So if we want to leave the city to go do something,

It got updated to DMCA Royale

My friends and I actually had a whole night around this. Humble Bundle had a bundle of old educational kids games, which I bought for nostalgic reasons. Playing these now obvious games gave me a nice couple hours of fun. Now I’m looking up all the old educational games I’ve played now and playing them again, but as an

This is why I stopped playing GTA:O after 300 hours. Every “update” is the same thing. “Run A Bunker” “Run A Nightclub” “Run A Bike Gang” “Run A Corporation”. You need twenty million dollars to do each of them. All of the missions are basically to be a fucking task rabbit. And how much money do you get out of this?

I honestly can’t wait to get this, make my commutes a little more nice.

Well no shit, but imagine reading an article about a console game without saying WHICH console. The entire comments section would be full of “Which console is it for?”

Wow, a question I can answer thoroughly. I would drive down the NJ Turnpike from exit 13-3 every weekend to visit friends and family. So I have spent a lot of time stopping at various rest stops along the way. Having something to drink is the worst cause that can cause extra pit stops. And there is only one pit stop

What if they just don’t tell (and/or lie) about how long they’ll be waiting.

I guess if you want more Conversation Street you can check out Drivetribe, I know it’s not the same but there is still some banter between some of them.

Why are they so coy about showing off the logos. Like you have a literal stallion for a symbol and you want to slap it on there like some sticker. Make that pony seen from across the horizon, it needs to be let loose.

I got this book. I’m not huge into EVE but I do love reading the articles every now and then of the social developments. The book is a nice chronicle of those conflicts and helps explain the basic concepts of the game as well.

Knowing it’s made by Teenage Engineering is enough for me to hop on board. They have some of the most delightful industrial design out there.

I mean duh. they’re not the first company to do that, it’s a common strategy for any company that has reoccurring value. There is no money in manufacturing consoles, they’ll take a loss just to make up the profits with all the games. Same with wireless providers, sign a 2-year contract and get a free/cheap phone, all

I have a pretty simple blackjack meta-game. Walk in with $100, try to double it, and leave. I don’t gamble often probably only a half dozen times. But I never lost money, I have always broke even or made money.

I am actually upgrading from a 1080 to a 2080ti this weekend, I know what I’m going to be doing all day.

How is 4:3 a wider ratio than 16:9? Do you mean 21:9 or the recent 32:9 coming out?

I agree with you. But if I had enough money to get into a bidding war with Jay-Z there is nothing in the world that is going to stop me from winning that and just giving it away.

Being hit with a lot of G forces, and speeding up to 200 miles an hour.

Not Epic’s fault some idiot tried to profit off of unsuspecting parents with content and assets from an IP they did not own, or have official license to use. At the same time ruining the reputation of the game and parent company.