Zach Nelson

I feel the same way, it’s too cute. The thing I loved most about GRIS was the art direction. The slim flowing figures and the beautifully geometric architecture of the ancient ruins.

Now playing

Game Theory has a neat video about how most of the people suing for stealing their dance have no claim to ownership of the dance. Alfonso stated on record he stole that dance from a Bruce Springsteen video, Backpack Kid was obviously never the first person to whatever he did. The dance Turk did in Scrubs though is

Needs a dog named Courage in it.

I’ve been playing this game off and on throughout Early Access, it’s especially fun with friends at a lan party trying to dig out a mountain, build up your base, or just do your own thing. I hated NMS for how tedious it is because you have to spend 80% of your time just constantly refueling all of your tools and

What are you trying to recommend here?

I feel like the title of this article should be, “Japan still doesn’t have enough Hello Kitty trains.”

Good, competition is good for consumers.

You’re right, one of the most profitable companies in gaming should just call it quits and dissolve everything. There’s nothing left for them, since they’re not making games anymore they’re not contributing anymore to the gaming world. You moron, of course they shouldn’t dissolve that would be the dumbest thing any

Person who doesn’t ride rollercoasters wonders why no one wants to go on their rollercoaster.

Knowing how much is costs to make one call to support, and all of the refund requests etc. They should have just ate their profit margin and gotten the canvas bags.

I get that modders want to improve the experience of the game. But maybe to show how upset you are with Bethesda and the quality of their games, you don’t mod it and let the game just be bad and not create a tolerable experience to keep giving them a pass.

Are you talking to me or the business owners?

I have never tipped at a hotel (other than room service but that’s basically like tipping for food delivery). I never will, tipping is bullshit. Pay your fucking staff.

Son of a bitch! I finally bought myself a house and got a nice big TV to chill and play some PC games. What’s an alternative? Also something I can play Windows games as well (let’s say Forza Horizon 4).

I’ve been meaning to watch Cowboy Bebop but I never got around to buying it. THANK YOU!

I’ve been meaning to watch Cowboy Bebop but I never got around to buying it. THANK YOU!

The Joy Cons by themselves have some really bad hit detection. A hard enough swing will detect two swings in a row and the difference between a straight hit and diagonal is also not perfect. You could shake your wrist to make a hit.

I wonder which tweet that toilet paper came from.

I was about to reply, “Still lost to Big Dick Nick.” But I know he wouldn’t get it.

That is pretty, but I know I would never need all that customization. If I need that much control I’m going to use my K/M. But I do love my Xbox One S white/black controller. That thing is just perfect.

If it wasn’t for the logo I would totally get it. Need that Black and White aesthetic in my life!