
I don't know if Kill Six Billion Demons counts since the webcomic has been going for well over a year, but I only discovered it recently and cannot praise it enough. It also published its first 100 or so pages in September under Image, for those of you who would prefer a physical copy, and it's how I'm justifying

Only because he pretty much always has that on his mind, if you replace "the X-Men" with "gay people".

Upvoted for typo.

And on Comedy Bang! Bang!.


Dammit, there's a "pour over/pore over" joke to be made here, but I'm too hung over to make it.

I love your comments.
The format's impeccable.
It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Of course, when I actually have a relationship advice question for the commentariat, Dikachu is nowhere to be found. Does he even do Savage Dik any more? Anyway…
I started chatting with a guy on OKCupid about a week or so ago, and we hit it off extremely well from the beginning. We're both huge gaming nerds, and

There are a few major influences on my outlook on getting on, but by far the most positive is this very column. I first found Savage Love in high school, having just gotten back from a summer camp job that gave me the courage to come out to myself, though it would take another year and a half to come out to anyone

Technically, since "clickbait" is a poorly-defined term and can arguably be anything that is made to knowingly get views. Asking a pop-culture site "who do you ship?" is a pretty sure-fire way to get views, though I know the term is usually used pejoratively.

"Why the fuck is this a front page article?"
*1577 comments as of posting*
Clickbait pays the bills.

I thought they were around the same age as I was when the game came out, maybe a couple years younger.

I thought they were around the same age as I was when the game came out, maybe a couple years younger.

Really, nobody for Sora and Riku from Kingdom Hearts yet? That's pretty much the only 'ship I ever sailed, but hoo boy, when that game first came out I shipped it hard.

But if they kill the doll, how will they channel their blood echoes?

Mine too! Happy birthday, us!

Correction: That's I'm pleased you enjoyed it. meatbag.

When I was a teenager working in a car wash, Monster was the only energy drink I found palatable. I guess what I'm saying is, the only thing with worse taste than teenagers is energy drinks.

I'm not sure what this spambot is trying to sell me, but for once I'm willing to give it a shot.

If only that were true.