
Spontaneanation is the most consistently laugh-out-loud hilarious podcasts out there right now, and I will not here otherwise. NYSU is hit-or-miss, though, I'll give you that.

I want this to be true SO BAD.

It was me. I'm not sorry.


Hey now, Enumclaw, WA may not be a great big city like New York or LA, but it's hardly the third world.

Between this review and a friend of mine who plays, I have been tempted to give in and boot up my warlock again. The one thing holding me back is that I know as soon as I do that, I can just kiss my real life goodbye.

Man, I loved Sims University. I (or my sister, I forget which of us actually paid for it) got it during my senior year in high school, shortly after I had come out of the closet. As an intensely shy and supremely fucked-up teen, I would spend hours with my Sim in the dorm, hitting on all the cute guys he could find,

As someone who has bought Skyrim for both PC and Xbox, I feel your pain. I actually kind of prefer the controller setup that you have with the 360, as it's more comfortable to just hang out on your couch/bed and run around than being hunched over the keyboard. But, the game runs much more smoothly with the community

I don't know if the entire Fight Night series of boxing games has this feature, but Round 3 had a minigame where you played as the cutman, fixing up your boxer's horribly injured face to restore as much health as possible. Surprisingly, I still have the CD for that game, despite not having played it since I was in


My sister and I have recently started a tradition where we give each other about $15 worth of gum as our "actual" gift to each other, with a "gag" gift of cash (our tastes are too expensive for either of us to actually afford buying a nice gift for each other, what with blowing $15 on gum and all). I plan to continue

@avclub-4602fc349ffc0ad649190e937f2a5f14:disqus, I personally find Game of Thrones to be rather lacking

@avclub-d7d1e0309597c93cda923d6b631281cc:disqus , I feel the same.  For some reason I never got around to reading Ender's Game (probably because I am reflexively against anything popular, and Ender's Game was popular among all my friends), but by the time I had been convinced of its greatness, I had come out and found

Hah, that's exactly what I thought at first too.  I am so glad that the AV Club is reviewing this show, as it inspired me to watch the whole first season on Hulu, and am gonna watch the rest of the series when I have some spare cash to throw at Amazon.

I've always kinda felt bad for Crocker.  From the few videos I watched of his (I saw more than just "Leave Brittney Alone," and actually really liked the one where he just said "bitch please" in a half-dozen different inflections), he seemed like a kid who, if circumstances had worked out differently for him, could

I've always kinda felt bad for Crocker.  From the few videos I watched of his (I saw more than just "Leave Brittney Alone," and actually really liked the one where he just said "bitch please" in a half-dozen different inflections), he seemed like a kid who, if circumstances had worked out differently for him, could

Apparently that was not all you had to say.

So much potential
My boyfriend loves this game, but its surprisingly steep graphics requirements mean that I can only chug through the demo at a painstakingly slow pace. Hopefully future patches will allow the game to play for people whose computers aren't top-notch.

You thought it was short? I'm finding an incredible amount of ways to waste my time in this one, though truth be told I'm mostly whiling away the hours until I get enough gold to simply buy out the treasury and be the paragon of goody tw0-shoesedness I always am on my first playthrough of these games. There appears

I think this is a great game, but I have to agree with Samantha's reasoning for only giving it a B. Luckily, I've not seen many graphics glitches, though I've had a few sound issues; it's always weird to know there are invisible enemies around, noticeable only by the cigar smoke trailing from where their