
I will bet cold hard cash that approximately 99% of the people complaining about this because of “weight” or “complexity” - despite having no hard data on either - fall into one of two categories:

I wish I had more stars to give you, good sir.

With respect, Conor Macgregor needed to lose because he carries himself like a fool and makes the sport look foolish. He’s fallen into the same trap that every successful fighter has fallen into since Ali: trying to be Ali. The trash talk, the braggadocio, the absurd statements. Mayweather tried to do the same thing,

Hey man, I defend your articles all the time, so I say this with love, but fuck the clickbait headline and fuck the hairdresser joke. That is just a thinly veiled homophobic slur. Again. Said with love. Please stop.

And this is why, sometimes, we CAN have nice things.

As a motorcyclist for ten years, I regret that I have but one star to give for this post.

SAG actor here. You are correct in that there are established rates for what actors get paid for initial shooting, and then also for residuals based on re-runs, DVD sales, etc. So the actors in the un-aired pilot, having already been paid for the original shooting dates, were it shown in any medium publicly, would

I love this clip, but Master of None has ruined this movie for me.

The idea that we have a long-term problem here is predicated on the idea that cheap gas is going to be a long-term phenomenon. With oil around the world becoming more and more difficult (read: costly) to access, that’s unlikely to continue as a long-term trend. Gas prices are only going to go up over time. And it’s


I have been saying this for years on this site and I am always shouted down. The Prius is not a bad car and in fact, for the further continued existence of car enthusiasm in general, it’s a necessary car. There HAVE to be boring, sensible, efficient, safe choices for people who don’t give a crap about cars being

Haters gonna hate. I personally would choose a boxster for this but the dollar to performance ratio is definitely there. It’s too bad so many Jalops appear to either not enjoy a good project, or be afraid of it, or both. Folks, you have to like wrenching on your car to do this. If you do, then yes, it’s a kit from a

It’s weird that people are inspired to leave epically long comments on how to “improve” someone else’s writing, but apparently unwilling to write their own column. I tell you what boys. You write the version of this column you’d like to see, and Tav keeps writing his, and we’ll see which one people enjoy more. We’ll

Boxster. Porsche could make a real miata competitor by decontenting the hell out of that car. Cloth interior, 6 speed, manual everything, only available in black or white, basic radio, cheapest wheels and tires, whatever N/A motor they have plenty of, I don’t even care if it’s a 4-cyl. Just make sure it’s simple,

Yeah, agree with most of this. I dropped a 1.8 into my 1990 and I definitely appreciate the extra torque. I would like it to rev more freely so next up is a lightweight flywheel which is currently sitting on my workbench. The 1.8 + 4.30 VLSD is a good combo for street. I haven’t tracked it yet. Trying to decide

What power numbers does it need to make at 25k for your purchase? at 30k?

Genius and so true. Though it has to be said that one of the reasons that the answer is always Miata is that there are multiple Miata forums where the above is pretty rare.

Terrible car, hilarious article.

It’s not that he has a core of pure goodness, it’s that there is some sense of nuance in the character. That allows the character to surprise us. The things you love about Vader in V - the dinner, lopping off the hand, revealing that he’s Luke’s father - those are so delicious and evil and enjoyable because they’re

Nice price all day. It’s very hard to find these in unmolested, original condition, no mods. The value on CBs of any note is only going up. It’s a bit like classic mustangs - they made so many that no one thought they’d be collector’s items for the longest time, but now the clean examples without mods are pulling

I, for one, salute your resourcefulness.