
Jason - Nissan made their version of the 2CV - the S-Cargo and you can now import them from Japan.

Kinshasa's giant Robocop is pretty f*cking awesome.

wagon tattoos are so 2013

Now playing

The Rolls that drives twice as hard, drives half as long.

non-car people, my favorite kind of people

Mazda Miata - you know exactly what you are getting from the moment you open the tin. Light, fun, simple, enjoyable top down motoring with zero pretense.

They are surprisingly pretty.

Agreed. I still miss mine more than I miss most cars.

The Buick Reatta - complex for so many reasons.

I came here to post this. Sci fi reality.

True, but the allroad also has audi's extremely reliable air suspension ... just to add insult to injury

Dies nicht malfunction!

I wouldn't go that far. allroads are great cars when they are running properly (which admittedly is a rarity), they just are in need of constant attention and service. They are kinda like children in that regard. They are expensive and demanding but damn, when everything is working right they can put a smile on

don't forget the allroad has an extra fun wrinkle that the other B5s don't have - air suspension

Smart move ... don't forget it also has the very fickle air suspension, awesome when its works, which is never.

Yep. Fun times.

Audi allroad. Every service or replacement requires you to take the entire front of the car off. Want to change the thermostat? It will end up looking like this:


Fun cars as a general rule equal are lighter and cheaper cars. Lighter and cheaper cars as a general rule have less safety equipment. Less safety equipment = more lawsuits. More lawsuits = more problems for corporate. More problems for corporate = less fun for corporate.

Noble M600?