You’re arguing abortion should be allowed when the condom breaks or other forms of birth control fail? Not very pro-life, but at least you’re honest.
You’re arguing abortion should be allowed when the condom breaks or other forms of birth control fail? Not very pro-life, but at least you’re honest.
Anyone else notice the boat’s name is the Harriott II?
Why not name the bill for Jennifer Wilbanks or Ava Coleman? Or Bonnie Sweeten or Ashley Todd?
Boston Market used to be in my take-out rotation, but the actual takeout dish went from round to square and then kept getting smaller. I know the pandemic was hard for restaurants (RIP my local Chuy’s) and I understood the smaller plates was a way for Boston Market to avoid a price hike... but the ingredients have…
Note: The only reason Iowa can offer “Affordable and accessible healthcare” to senior citizens is menopause.
I hope pickleball has less staying power than disco.
Is it appropriate to make such a demonstration without talking to the Campbell family first? A funeral/memorial service is the good time and place to announce such a scholarship in memory of the deceased, and that event hasn’t been scheduled yet.
Since the typical adult hand is around 400 grams (just under 0.9 pounds), this would amount to people thinking that their hands instead weighed about 200 grams.
Change one word and the dogwhistles can be heard by humans, too.
All of these men will tell you that it’s a woman’s responsibility to avoid pregnancy, even though women on their own cannot accidentally* conceive.
According to USA Today, at least 14 children have already been killed because they were left in hot cars this year. That brings the total number of deaths to 1,000 over the past three decades.
dark colored skin is overall better looking than white skin, it’s why whites will risk skin cancer for a tan.
Reminds me of this thread. Imagine a high school class where only 4 girls are cancer free.
This is from 2021, so it may have ended up in turnaround, development hell, or wherever scripts and budgets go to die.
Portland was destroyed in 2022, you fool. RIP Portland.
This country’s history has been Violence Good, Sex Bad since before it was a county.
Joe Rojas, correction officers’ union president, told CNN that the former doctor was stabbed two times in the back, six times in the chest, and twice in the neck. Rojas told the network that Nassar is now in stable condition.
How embarrassing for USC - if Lois Banner believes that 50 years ago a Black woman scholar would have the same opportunities that Lois Banner seized, she does NOT have much knowledge of American history.
MSG Sphere is the only venue in Las Vegas that provides an umami experience.
Not a lawyer, but I’m fairly certain that possession of CSAM is still illegal when the child in the video is legally an adult - possessing CSAM recorded in 1986 is just as illegal as possessing CSAM recorded in 2023. The reasoning behind that is downloading, possessing, and distributing* the material creates demand,…