
This week I flew for the first time since the pandemic. My flights were uneventful, and while I’m disappointed by the lack of video-worthy passengers, no drunken mess is worth a 3 hour flight delay.

I was a DHS contractor for most of that agency’s existence, now I’m a federal drone (still with DHS). I’ve never been asked what kind of porn I watch, and I wouldn’t answer such a personal question for a job interview.

If you have to explain the joke, it’s not that funny. If your explanation of the joke is “the audience is too stupid to understand funny”, your joke isn’t that funny and insults fans will stop being fans.

Even still, throwing things on stage or at artists is not a new phenomenon.

And when do we get the ruling that boys can wear skirts?

Thank you! Came to the replies add Harriot’s thread; not only is it just as brilliant as the others cited, he used to write for The Root.

2016 was a decade ago in pandemic years*.

“We get emails from people who say ‘I’ve tried calling for the last three days and I just can’t get through,’” Brink told Jezebel. “It’s truly first come, first serve and we recognize that there’s also a privilege in that, that not everyone can sit on the phone.”

I cannot imagine a single logical reason to outlaw the birth control pill, because there is none.

Nia Long memior?

I don’t eat potato salad, but whenever it’s offered, I decline with “No thank you, I prefer chunky style.”

Somewhere, a PhD candidate just started a Brian Szasz chapter for their dissertation on social media addiction. Brian could’ve enjoyed Blink-182 live without notifying anybody... and like an addict, he made bad choices.

there’s always going to be someone mad, so you might as well embrace that fact and do it anyway.

Now he’s asking for prayers from OnlyFans performers... Brian needs treatment.

Harding’s stepson Brian Szasz wrote on Facebook offering “thoughts and prayers that the rescue mission will be successful.” TMZ reported Szasz then followed up that post by saying he was attending a Blink-182 concert in San Diego. The billionaire’s scion wrote, “It might be distasteful being here but my family would

They want Trump out of sheer disdain for the opposite political party/theory for reasons real but mostly imagined.

Trump offered a predictable non-answer, claiming that he “hired ten to one that were fantastic,” despite how nearly every prominent member of his administration has denounced him.

This is the same interview where Cheetolini name dropped JFK Jr. when talking about RFK Jr., and Baier gently talked over him “Robert.” Despite all of the Short Fingered Vulgarian’s bitching and moaning, this was not a tough interview.

Showtime had a show about a cancer scammer called I Love That For You.