
Also....why should a woman care and be angry about it if this were happening?

Last month I travelled the Robert H. Byrd Appalachian highway system* through West Virginia and Ohio. Every single billboard I saw in WV was for an attorney. Lots of “if you’ve been injured in an accident, contact the Manchin Group” type signs. When I got to OH the signs started talking about public health (vaccines

Have they tried turning off the television? There are millionaires complaining “everything is awful, everyone is suffering” on the news channels popular in Appalachia, even though the complainers are not suffering in the least.

Don’t call them TERFs, they’re FARTs.

Back before The Simpsons were owned by Disney, I visited the Springfield at Universal Studios Orlando. The gift shop didn’t sell license plates but did have key chains with names on them... Bort was out of stock, of course.

free-roaming robotic actor that can take on the role of our similarly-sized Disney characters.

Because of Jacky’s partner’s name, things like “RIP DC” were trending on social media last night, which led to a lot of people on asking what disaster hit the District of Columbia yesterday.

A Bank of America spokesperson told the outlet that employees have reported that customers were coming in to exchange Trump Bucks for tangible cash, and said “It’s hard to put a number on how many people have come in.

Fuck around and find out a new job.

This is especially bad in children, who haven’t yet developed higher reasoning to be able to visually identify harmful things (like fall height, sharp objects or hot surfaces/fire).

I finished high school so long ago that colleges would send ads through the mail. I did pretty well on my SATs so I got a lot of mail, to narrow down my options I used these rules:
1. If the college/university mentioned religion with their name (ie Noname University, A Jesuit Institution), right into the recycling bin.

Last night we tried to watch Max on Roku. HBO Max directed us to download Max, which we did, but then every time we opened Max, Roku switched to HBO Max (which gave the message to download Max).

For more on how Jack Welch ruined America, check out the 5/9/23 and 5/11/23 episodes of the Behind the Bastards podcast, available wherever you get your podcasts.

I’m a federal employee and since January 21, 2021, there has been an emphasis on expanding DEI both in the workplace and in the programs we administer.

Edy’s/Dreyer’s doesn’t seal their ice cream, they’re the only major brand I’m familiar with that doesn’t. Between the ice cream lickers and the pandemic, it may be time for them to start sealing their ice cream too.

I just got home from a business trip to Ohio. My plan was to spend as little as possible in the state that sent JD Vance to the US Senate, and the only thing I purchased while in Ohio was food and drink for immediate consumption, and enough gas to get me out of the state. Everything else (including hair conditioner I

Hobby Lobby and CFA are national chains that make a big deal about being closed (to customers) on Sundays while making their employees work those days. Out front there’s big signage about being closed on The Lord’s Day but inside the business, Sabbath Schmabbath, there’s work to be done by minimum wage workers with

“I wasn’t trying to get rid of my baby. I went there because my baby was not going to make it and neither was I,” she said. “If only these people knew.”

It’s Ohio, Bernie Moreno is telling the voters what they want to hear, and he will be the GOP nominee for Senate in 2024. JD Vance proved racism as a platform still wins elections, Morneo’s following his jackbooted footsteps.

“Hate, never ever wins, and Morgan State University is coming face-to-face with that, and we are preserving a certain part of that because we want to always be able to tell our story,” said President Wilson.