
The writer has trouble with names? That would explain why the wrote about Dr. Haddassah, rather than Dr. Haddassah Olayinka Ali-Youngman, pre PhD.

Plan B is the brand name for levonorgestrel, which is designed to prevent pregnancy by delaying (or stopping) the egg from leaving the ovary, according to the FDA’s handy timeline of the drug.

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Excellent list, though I think this was Cookie Lyon’s most badass moment:

I don’t think they ask or notify the families; and it’s clear the Sorvino family would have liked to see Paul included in the montage.

Notably, this isn’t about trans-boys playing on guys teams because their gender essentialism means that girls will always be weaker; so much so a trans-girl already has an unfair advantage but a trans-boy is ...fine?

It wouldn’t be fair for girls to compete with someone with a penis. So. That’s a positive message to send out to girls everywhere, isn’t it? Sorry ladies, if someone is born with a dick-you don’t stand a chance. Stand down. Oh, but only when it comes to sports.. you can’t out run them.. you can’t out throw them.. kick

And this is why I can’t be civil towards the GQP anymore. We’re way past “both sides are awful,” now it’s one side wants civil rights for all Americans and other side wants trans people eliminated.

I blamed the forced-birth crowd, who seek to minimize the physical and mental impacts of pregnancy so they can argue that a pregnant woman should be forced to give birth, regardless of her preferences.

How bad are these dudes at hunting?

Troy Baker cameo! And a pretty big one, too, as James. A bunch of the Last of Us game voice actors got parts, ranging from the small (I can’t prove, but I swear the blond lady who opens the gate at Jackson is a dead-ringer for the voice actress for Maria in the game), to Baker and Pierce getting supporting character

While the piece can’t help but comment on Hilton’s discussed-to-death voice (it’s “several octaves deeper when off-duty, compared to Paris Hilton’s ‘on duty’ soft, coquettish, baby voice”),

Of course, it seems very much worth noting that McCain only supported paid maternal leave when she experienced the lacking supports for new parents firsthand.

I haven’t played the game so I don’t know the significance of Dina, but between Shannon Woodward’s tweet and something Craig Mazin said on TLOU podcast (about Ellie noticing a girl watching her as she ate), it’s Dina.

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Joel’s bear hug with Tommy is a brotherly blast of pure joy, but Joel soon becomes guarded around Maria.

Her voice hasn’t changed, still that same pleasant-but-exasperated tone.

I enjoyed Roseanne and her stand up specials, even She-Devil wasn’t as bad as some reviewers insisted. Alas, like other comedians that have gone full, um, right-wing, her humor punches down. Conservative “comics” make fun of minorities and groups which the rest of us consider human beings, and the jokes aren’t funny.

Based on the title, I was expecting to read that most of the men at the Singles mixer were in relationships (the “open” kind where their partner thinks they’re exclusive.)

- Whoever played that little girl clicker needs an award. The movement was so terrifyingly unnatural, and the way she climbed and fell over seats gave me the jeebies.