
Once you’ve placed a mobile order in the Starbucks app, it will always provide you with an estimated pickup time. Our anonymous barista explains that this estimate isn’t just based on how long it takes to make that drink in a vacuum: “It does link to our system, so if we have ten mobile orders before yours, it will

Same. When I get sick, I find myself mumbling: 

Slash Mountain? You’re thinking of Itchy and Scratchy Land.

Where is Kaci Walfall as Naomi?!?!!?

It was only a couple of nepo babiiiiiies!!!

I’m sure there are procedures in place when a teen reports self harm, but this patient’s file has “daughter of a US Senator” all over it, so she’s going to get special treatment, even if it’s to her detriment. 

How many other LGBTQ teens in Texas harmed themselves last night and it didn’t make the news?

For more on this topic, read (or get the audiobook listen to Viola Davis read) Finding Me: A Memoir.

It’s refreshing to see someone, anyone, facing consequences for their actions in 2022.

The fans who stuck it out and stayed in the waiting room all day (seriously, like 8-10 hours) were rewarded with tickets that were advertised at a price of $49 to $449, but actually ended up costing much, much more.

Stop trying to make bathing suit cover-up couture a thing, Lara.

It’s not standard, but it’s the best solution when you cannot use the blue boxes. The USPS’s website does list every post office and whether the lobby has 24 hour access, and since i’ve started only putting mail through the wall of the PO, everything I’ve mailed has reached its destination.

In the Washington DC area, someone robbed a USPS postal worker at gun point and stole their blue box key. One key unlocks lots of blue mail boxes, and there are check cashing places that will pay out even when you can see the white out used to fake the check payee and total. 4 checks I mailed were stolen and 2 were

In case anyone needs the reminder: alcohol didn’t make Sophia Rosing racist. There’s always been a white supremacist lurking inside her, alcohol allowed her to forget her manners and go full Klan.

It’s good, clean family fun. What have you got to lose? If you like the 6 oclock news then you’ll love Nature Trail to Hell: in 3D. 

It’s great that you reply to almost every post with this, without your effort, no one would be aware that women are capable of committing murder. As you are well aware, ignorance is a problem.

Not every senate candidate kills puppies, not every senate candidate has been the subject of multiple episodes of Behind the Bastards podcast, but Dr. Oz is the senate candidate that does it all.

I think 155 is supposed to be 1955? Emmet Till was lynched once, that was enough.

Did Ken Starr’s estate release a play-by-play of Clinton’s extramarital affairs? The Clinton impeachment trial didn’t list ejaculation locations.

Seems like a good time to acknowledge the team behind Empire’s way of dealing with Jussie Smollett after his headlines. First, his character Jamal Lyon was sent on international travel and stayed that way for the rest of the show. They didn’t write him out of existence, but whenever there was an event where the whole