
I fondly remember ER, but I don’t think I watched the last few seasons. I do remember see Anthony Edwards say the first scripted shit on NBC the morning Dr. Green woke up and discovered his legs no longer worked.

“A high-quality education begins with a high-quality curriculum, which is why we’re going to be laser-focused on developing the best possible civics instruction standards,” DeSantis said during the press conference. “Florida

Fortunately, the incident ended without a Black man losing his life or freedom behind white nonsense.

Happens to us all.

Last time I ordered Pizza Hut delivered, I noticed the delivery fee had doubled. I hoped that was to increase driver pay due to the pandemic, but when I got a text from Door Dash with an eta on my pizza, I understood why the fee went up. Haven’t ordered Pizza Hut since.

Paul—who may or may not be Randall from Recess all grown-up

But apparently, she’s had a change of heart—losing a Senate seat is a humbling experience, I would imagine—

Do your own research but all I really need to say is that Betsy DeVos is a fan and supporter.

got a canned PR response from his office about him supposedly caring about Arizonans and his crocodile concern about all the BS voting “irregularities” during the vote counting process.

I found out later there was never any cake.

“Don’t shit where you eat.” 

Since this is grey, I’ll tell the story about when coworkers dated and I learned valuable what-not-to-do lessons.

André Leon Talley, former Vogue editor-at-large turned bestselling author of 2020's The Chiffon Trenches

Your honor, I cannot be a fair and impartial juror. Not after seeing the defendant in that hat.”

When someone claims they don’t have a racist bone in their body, I point out that racism is stored in fat cells.

Black Twitter get to work and find this clown and make her musty flat, yoga pants wearing ass famous.

I didn’t watch the earlier seasons of Real Housewives of New Jersey, but real and fake “bubbies” were a huge topic in season 1, I think.

I can’t find the article to link it, but I read about the average age of members of the House and Senate, many who have been there for decades, and how $600 was a significant amount last time they worked in the private sector. They aren’t entirely out of touch, but there don’t appear to be any subordinates willing to

Or perhaps you can hire a lawyer with a better track record. I recommend the esteemed attorney Maxine Shaw.