It’s inadvisable to hold your breath waiting for someone to denounced these thugs.
It’s inadvisable to hold your breath waiting for someone to denounced these thugs.
Trump sent a whole slide presentation to Republican legislators disparaging McConnell, calling him the “the first one off the ship” and taking credit for his re-election.
If she’s smart, Skylar is already practicing a breathy, Ivanka style voice.
I envision the Aryan Brotherhood welcoming Donald with open arms... and after spending a day or two with him, kicking him out and telling everyone that Donald is not under AB’s protection.
Harriet A. Washington’s Medical Apartheid is a fascinating book that is also very difficult to read. Nothing to do with Washington’s writing, it’s the subject matter; chapter after chapter of horrors inflicted upon Black Americans in the name of science and medicine.
And request they did, “that economic conditions and patients’ access to medical facilities, childcare and transportation have improved sufficiently to warrant dissolving the preliminary injunction.”
I suspect racism is also stored in fat cells.
The shit was so bonkers that SNL actress Kate McKinnon’s name was trending as someone who has to play Carone on the late-night show (along with SNL hall-of-famer Victoria Jackson).
Wisconsin just announced that Trump is eligible to request a recount. He just has to do it by 5pm Wednesday, including paying the estimated cost of the count up front.
Remember a few years back* when Staten Islanders cursed someone out of the grocery store for not wearing a mask? Good times.
What Genetta said.
It seems that ABC has a problem treating Black talent with respect, just ask Afton Williamson.
Where have I heard this before, ABC? Maybe Shonda Rhimes and Kenya Barris didn’t move to Netflix just for the truckloads of money.
It Literally doesn’t matter who you put on the ballot, for fuck’s sake a dead guy got elected because he had an R next to his name.
I have begun to hate a lot of my fellow Americans. It’s only the ones that will happily shoot themselves in the genitals to own the libs, but there’s a shit ton more of them than I thought. Where I live is heavily Democratic, so from now on my charitable donations are going to regional/local charities. This way, less…