Grumpy's cat is a goddess

Felltree, that is the recipe I worked with - I filled the dutch oven with a variety of onions. It was almost effort free, pack ‘em into the oven and roasted for 2 hours, stirred them, roasted for another hour or 2 (gotta keep an eye on them in this phase) - it was 4 hours of non-interference and some minutes of

Gorillas have white quick-response muscles that are 5 times faster and 20 times stronger the human muscles PLUS the muscles are =anchored with more leverage so even if you could match them with strength, the leverage will rip you to shreds (from a deep dive into my memory there is something about great ape muscle are

Also, too, I signed up for FireFox’ VPN. I like to set it to weird international locations but keep getting ‘out of country’ (or whatever it is called) blockage so I stick with US locations.

I remember when I was in San Antonio in 1968 we would go out barefoot in shorts and then have to crunch our way home - cicadas would warm themselves on the pavement. It was icky and walking on screaming bugs were an annoyance. I swear the humidity there was 110% - I ran my sheets through a dryer and by the time I

Another trick (?) is to ask for an abatement of the penalties - the abatement is automatic as long as you have no penalties for the last 3 years. There are some complexities in the abatement process but the main thing is to ask for it. Things may have changed since I retired but it used to *wrong* for the IRS employee

When I was 21, I signed up as a senior at a high school - I did it b/c I graduated in a class of 54 and wondered what it was like to attend a large high school. I only attended for one day. People got really angry with me

Cotton does not wick! Cotton Will Kill You is a common refrain when climbing mountains - your sweat stays in your pits and crotch so when you stop moving, it will freeze

In 1984 I flew Qantas to Australia - they free-poured the hard liqueur and served lamb that looked like it was carved from an actual leg. Damn it was good; there mashed potatoes with gravy (and probably some vegetable but I was not into that stuff back then)

Will she be able to keep her pension?

Hey, fare and hite - go to a fencing tourney sometime. Quoting American dictionaries about French pronunciations is the height of Americanism. (I would reply to you but effing kinja is a jerk)

The word touché is pronounced ‘toosh’ just like douché is doosh; the last letter of most French-based words do not pronounce the last letter so her name should be pronounced Khlo

I used H2O2 when my cat had an infected wound - cat wounds travel along muscle lining into the depths of their body; I had to soak the scabbed over wound to remove it then massage the area until all the stinky, green shit was cleared out, then apply more liberally. I did this for days until the green, icky shit

I used H2O2 when my cat had an infected wound - cat wounds travel along muscle lining into the depths of their body; I had to soak the scabbed over wound to remove it then massage the area until all the stinky, green shit was cleared out, then apply more liberally. I did this for days until the green, icky shit

I often clean my pan by making scrambled eggs in the drippings - disturbed my ex a lot (another positive)

When I was in the Marine Corps, one of the punishments meted out was to send the recruit into the desert to dig holes in the sand with a sledge hammer - Johnson should just stop digging, FFS

jystad - STFU, there is a reason that Kim Wyman is the only statewide Republican on the west coast - she does her job and does it well. No need for your bigoted shit.

I have been thinking about using a coffee grinder to get to the flour - I do not grind my own coffee so the machine has been sitting around taking up space. Is there problem with this?

I use one of my microwaves to melt glass - about 15 minutes is what it takes to melt the glass into the molds I use. The inside of that mw is really, really gross and you certainly do not want to cook food in the same oven (glass colors are created from metals like lead, cobalt, copper, et c)

I think that ole ‘Pubs on a Coke can’ is probably thinking about retiring soon. There were rumblings as far back as 2 years ago

Damnit! I refuse to share her with all of you - I was her true fan