Grumpy's cat is a goddess

Well, back in the mid ‘60s we took a 56 chevy out for spin - Montana still did not have a speed limit at the timek(Cautious and Prudent) so we got that beast pegged; we were going so fast that the windshield wipers ripped right off - first the drivers side the the passenger side. No biggie we’ d just go to the dance

I can’t easily eat anything before noon - makes my stomach sour; also, I don’t get up much before 1:00pm. When I do get up early enough to consider breakfast, it just makes me uncomfortable (although, I can snack on those multi-colored mini-carrots any time day or night). I guess that I can only eat everything between

Police drones will may become comparable to the drones in Max Headroom - they got involved in the corporate wars of the TV networks - didn’t go well for some

When I was in high school I worked as a driller’s aid on a seismograph crew. I supported the driller by digging the tailings out of a trough, driving the water truck to a pond to get more, and prepping the hole for blast. This meant that i screwed 2 25 pound (actually not sure of the weight - it was, after all 55

There is a political cartoon from the period of the Teapot Dome scandal where a ring of politicians are all pointing at the guy next to them saying “It’s their fault” - that is how this will end - everyone will point to someone else and no one is responsible. There will be some who are tossed on their swords (fell to

I keep my location turned off; I expect that does not affect tower pinging but does it keep location info off of pics and vids?

A follow up to the Montana thread - I grew up in eastern MT (25 miles from ND and 10 miles from Canada) and I remember in 1962 there was a blizzard on Easter and that was not unusual. While at our cabin in the Tobacco Root mountains (or was the Bitterroots - I keep mixing them up), it snowed in July and we could not

Often, the problem lies between chair and keyboard

I keep mine running b/c of the BOINC programs I run - I do restart every night (did you know that BOINC runs even though I did not log in? At least it seems like it does)

Yeah, code-switching is a thing - I live in Seattle but when I call home to Montana, I can’t help but revert to my youthful accent.

That coach was definitely offensive

Well, what do you expect from someone named after E.German secret service

I know it is really petty of me but I effing hate how does that fist up thing! It is so clear that he never made a fist for real in his life.

My dream for celebrating the turn of the century was to host all my friends on a ship located on both the international dateline and the equator to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Didn’t pan out

I did not see WW88 but the reviews and discussion were wonderful; mostly good points and no one getting butthurt enough to start a flame war. I think I might even have the gist of what went down.

Fuck! I hate shopping and I have no idea where to find what I am not sure I want. I went to the mall b/c I could find it and get out. If I go downtown where all the stores are separate and blocks apart, I just get freaked out and wander aimlessly (I just got back from d/t Seattle and walked for 20 blocks w/o finding

Damn, I have not heard the phrase since I worked at NOAA in 1984 - we were watching Alvin vids when someone complained about all the static. It was explained that that was ‘marine snow’ to much laughter. Later it was explained that the MS ended up in the ‘world river’ also called Global Conveyor Belt

I have an IP that I basically use to make jambalaya - sometimes I use it for ‘specialty’ meats like pork neck. I am thinking of expanding the use to try to make goat soup (there is a halal grocery down Aurora Ave that sells fresh and frozen).

Whenever someone greets me with “How are you?” I answer with:

This is capitalism at its best. Best case scenario, they will just change the name of the company and keep on screwing their employees and lying to the buyers who just want to hear the lies. Well, maybe BooHoo will ask for cheaper clothes since the factories are paying employees less than expected.