Grumpy's cat is a goddess

I came here as a cat person - oh, dog food, never mind. I’ll slip back into the never,never now

@hathor79 - that is exactly what I was going to say - at the very least get off the fucking horse and walk him to where ever. jesus h ‘fucking’christ - bad optics is the least of the problems with that scenario.

Besides all the animal cruelty fuckery - did you notice how she does her lipstick? That is just whack (or whatever the kids say now). She left about an inch of mouth on each side. Is it a thing?

What really gets my goat are the people who call people on the left ‘humorless’ - FFS, name a funny RWNJ (comedian or not).

I think that he should go back to his glory-hole look

I want him to survive so that he can be humiliated at the polls, go to prison for his crimes and live a long, solitary life hated by the world.

I keep coming here to learn and I leave crying. I am so sorry.

Olives are part of the horrid (my new word - I will be using it for awhile) three: mushrooms, black olives and green peppers. You can’t even pick them off the pizza b/c they leave their juices behind to contaminate everything they touched.

So much to unpack:

I usually substitute a cup of rye flour for one of the wheat flour cups - people eat my bread as fast as I can make it. Since I live alone and have no partner, I seldom bake bread right now - I should probably try it again.

Combat fatigue is something different to fighting fatigue - that was a confusing headline.

I do not want Trump to die; I want him to live to suffer the humiliation of losing the election and then facing all the effing shit he has done in a court of law so that he goes to jail - after that, I don’t care what happens.

I order my breakfast sandwich with the egg basted and served open-faces so that I get to break the yoke when I close the sandwich - mmmmm, beautiful golden yoke.

His eyes aren’t pink so he ain’t albino. (I was in a dance line once when, during the partner change, I partnered with an albino woman - damn, I was stunned; her eyes, man, her eyes).

No, you’re crying

I keep hoping you mention PC games - always disappoint

I just got my flue shot at a drive-thru - feel safer already. I am 72 and have been getting flu shots since forever and have managed to not get the flu for at least 10 years.

I’m from Montana - I was given a .357 for Christmas; pause to consider that for a moment, my brother-in-law thought it was a good idea to give me a .357 Black Hawk for Xmas (heh,heh - it was). On the other hand, when I was 15, I put a Winchester .30-30 on lay-away. Prior to that all I had was a scoped .22

I’m from Montana - I was given a .357 for Christmas; pause to consider that for a moment, my brother-in-law gave me a .357 Black Hawk for Xmas. On the other hand, when I was 15, I put a Winchester .30-30 on lay-away. Prior to that all I had was a scoped .22 semi-automatic. I think I might need to get some stuff out of

I had a girlfriend who would have me sleep on the floor after watching The Tonight Show b/c her son should see that she sleeps alone. The sex was good but the floor was ‘uncomfortable’. I later found out that her sisters kept trying to take her kid away.