Grumpy's cat is a goddess

I cannot reply to individual posters so I will reply here:

wrong, wrong, wrongity wrong - she stayed in the court because she was not done with it. She knew what she had to do and did her best to do it. Slinging shit means you get shit on your hands.

Then there is just opulence

I am not a country music fan but I kept hearing about the band named Lady Antebellum and kept thinking to myself “isn’t that, like, the slave-owning period?” I thought that for years wondering if I missed something -nah, it is what it is.

I’ve said it before and must say it again - he could poke someone’s eye out with that chin.

You should try making mustard from seed - my ex used to make it all the time. One very important step is after grinding, mixing and so on, spread it very thinly around the bowl and let it sit overnight. Mustard from seed gets REAL!

I still use cash in local businesses to save them the effing charges for small items put on cards.

I believe there is a shotgun round that fires a net (is that a net positive?).

Congrats on your vote for Trump - bet you did the same thing in 2000 and 2016.

I order my pizza uncut to keep the grease and oils on the pizza and off the box - I think that was a lifehacker hack a while back.

PenguinLust: if the ultra-sound tech asks “Do you want to know the sex?” that means it is a boy - they can only know the sex at that stage if they see a penis.

Damn, again with the white man’s tears. Michael, your stories sometimes tear me up (pronounce that how you like).

The water in the bottle may be good but remember that the bottle is in the world and the world is covered in life - I would expect at least dust mites, fungal spores, and many other life forms are surviving on the outside of the bottle/can and in any cracks/crevices. At least wipe the bottle off before opening and

Jesu-fucking-christo - every time I come here I end up in tears. There is nothing I can say but ACAB and I am sorry.

I first thought ‘Pink Panther’ for the first image, sigh.

I think they make a shotgun round that shoots a net - but it would only take out one or two - need skeet shooters, stat.

They also want immunity for the manufacturers so we get a rushed, untested vaccine that could kill or maim people but no one held liable - just WOW.

All gum matters

Is your avatar name a pun on German ‘Little death’?