Grumpy's cat is a goddess

Yeah - that’s it “Get over it”! Does that really work for you? “Cancel Culture” is a RWNJ expression, get over it.

Not all icebergs

I grew up in Livingston, MT (Yellowstone Park again - aw, mom can’t we someplace else); among the many stupid tourist stories is the one about the dad who put honey on his kids face to get a cute pic of the bear licking her - it did not end well. They had to kill the bear.

I am of the shorter group (5'8.5" probably shorter, my GF was 5'8.5" but probably taller - there was an inch difference in our heights, sigh) and I always wished I was somewhat taller. I have a friend who is 5'6" - he says that he get a lot of shit for his height - I better stop here cuz I don’t know where I am going

A tall friend of mine, fed up with all the “how’s the weather up there?” comments would reply “raining” and spit on them.

I still can’t ‘star’ on this damned pc and my old laptop finally died (a horrible, lonely death in the back room full of specialists pulling the guts out to transplant into unsuspecting, frail laptops)

I remember LBJ saying that being VP is the equivalent of a bucket of warm spit (he really talked that way).

She will probably not have to run for president - I hope that Joe is able to serve out his 8 years but there is the statistical likely-hood that he won’t.

I, too, do not care if you like how I cook my steak:

Remember that he might be choosing the next president (hopefully not or on year 8 of the Biden administration).

I went there in 1968 (is Stinkies still a good place to swim?) and learned not to go walking barefoot during the day b/c some effing bug covers all the streets after sundown; it is so humid that seconds after running your sheets through the dryer they are soggy again.

I gave that number out a thousand times while working the phones for the IRS but I retired a year ago and could not remember that number

Yes! Remember when the Italian s were going to fight racism by running a program featuring monkeys (FFS, monkeys to fight racism). The country foisted the plan off to a marketer who featured monkeys in all his art - they were surprised 1) what’s wrong with Monkeys 2) that a monkey artist would use monkeys, sigh!

Seattle use to have a pornographic cake shop called Marzi-tarts; I love marzipan so much that I would stop in and buy a chunk (they looked at me really strangely). Someone at  work bought me one of their cakes for my 40th - the boobs were marzipan and I did not share.

I saw the title and the pic and said “No, no - that’s the lady from “’Person of Interest’” then I started to doubt myself misremembering then I scrolled down - oh, yeah she was in that other TV series. I knew all along it was Taraji but the name Cookie threw me.

Just for once, I wish that when they make another “I am Legend” movie, that they actually use the book. The ‘Legend’ was executed by the night dwellers for his murderous rampage; he was the stuff of legends b/c he killed during the day. A kindly guard gave him pain-killers and poison so that he would not suffer as he

You can also try the BalDue line which is 8008292323 - I have been retired for a year so the number may have been changed to point elsewhere.

google microwave +highlighter - you get to create a ball of plasma that will make you machine useless but a sight to behold.

OT: I melt glass in my microwave - I have special kiln coated with magnetite that gets the kiln up to 1800 F; but I digress