Grumpy's cat is a goddess

Well, I did have a friend who came over to help on a project; I needed a length of 2by cut - he set it up and cut the 2by and his Skihl saw cord. I gave him $10 bucks for it, repaired it and used it for about 10 years before it was stolen out of my shed.

So you think that vacuum bag manufacturers are out to contaminate our homes? Do you have an effing link or did you pull this out of your ass?

I have been told that cutting HEPA vacuum bags to fit those masks with pockets work better than leaving them empty.

Note the caveat ‘in custody’ - why not ban the use in all cases!?

They actually do not need to hot-wire one - all bulldozer have only 6 different keys.

Damn, it almost looks like bologna is having a heart attack in that pic - not that I would wish that, fuck it - yes, I wish that. I watched him (and others) swing those batons like they were enjoying it; especially that fuckwit clubbing the black woman protester.

I didn’t think I had a story until I remember the time a friend and I went AWOL from USMC (we said we were on our way to SanFran, made a wrong turn and ended up in Chicago - damn near the entire route 66) - actually, after we were gone for more than 30 days, were termed deserters. We actually drove the whole way in a

Every 10 years or so I try to eat bologna and I just can’t.

There are 2 kinds of people in the world - those who divide people into 2 categories and those who don’t.

How does a fucking puppet get off using the word ‘we’?

My college cafeteria in Billings MT in 1967 offered yogurt - I tried it ONCE. Now I have a fridge full of Greek Gods black cherry & honey.

Damn it, it is pronounced toosh not tooshay! Just like Douche is not dooshay.

Just in case you did not know: Lord Love-a-duck was a Lord of the Instrumentality of Man in Cordwainer Smith’s Sci-Fi universe - the collected short stories are in The Rediscovery of Man and his novels of The Planet Buyer. They hold up even though written 60 years ago (

I have my meds lined up on a shelf: on the left, my nighttime pills, in the middle, both and on the right my morning meds. I have a couple of those dose cups from cough medicine that I fill with my meds at night. I immediately take the nighttime meds and take the morning meds when I get up. If I look over at the

He did not run a red light; the police claim he ‘rolled’ through a stop sign

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T)I went home with a couple women (while still living in Billings MT) - it turned out that their boyfriends were undercover cops who were really pissed at finding me at the apt - they gave me a ride home and told me that I would be outed as a snitch if 1) I ever even looked at either woman again 2) if I told anyone

Mostly, but the ashtray trick scams customers; at the end of the night, people would just grab their change and leave (at the time, there were no debit/credit cards); since the change was in front of them the whole time, there was no thought of keeping track. This leads to the ashtray trick - the bartender would wipe

I had a ‘right-side’ heart attack whose symptoms are very different. I felt real bad and my entire body hurt so I left the coffee shop and went home. I lay down for a bit but did not feel better so I called 911, the first responders called Medic One who took me to the hospital where a heart surgeon who was on his

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I could not figure out who was who - I see your violence and raise you ‘Bastards”