Grumpy's cat is a goddess

How come no one seems to study the affects of carbonation? I drink more than a liter of sparkling water per day and sometimes wonder how that affects me (I bought a CO2 tank and make my own so I do not contribute much to plastic litter). In my youth, I use to drink 102 ounces of Coke per day back when they first

I thought so too, until I noticed that his chin was square (ref: odd difference in how male vs female chins form) - then I noticed his ‘apple’.

Yes! When I smell that first hit when someone lights up, I am transported to my 5 year old self, huddling in the hopper of a combine with my brother and lighting up a cigarette. This was in 195? If you bought your ciggies from a machine for US$0.30, you got 2 pennies sealed in your pack as change.

Wasn’t Walnuts a name for McCain? We used it anyway; something about his cheeks.

When I lived in Tucson, I learned that swamp coolers can only lower the temp by 20 F so when it was 113F outside, we could get down to 93 inside - we lived in front of huge fans.

Now playing

You understand that there is a disgusting other definition for brown noise? It is the theoretical sound that will cause all humans that hear it to empty their bowels explosively.

Swamp coolers - that is how we survived Tucson during ‘the dry heat’ but when the 3:30 rainstorms started we had 113 F temps with 100% humidity - there was nothing to help.

Now playing

Isaac Asimov gave up on arguing over the bible since it is internally contradictory so you can support any position with carefully chosen quotes.

I had to delete the adjective myself b/c, for some reason, nightshade is almost always prefaced by ‘deadly’. Try it; say ‘nightshade’ a couple times w/o the adjective.

There are 3 stages to learning to play chess:

Notice family resemblance? Solanine, a wonderful product (why do have to force myself not to use the adjective ‘deadly’ when talking about nightshade?) found all over the world with some variations originally found in the new world - like tomatoes, et cetera.

The trick to eating durian is not to inhale until you swallowed and gargled; I want a durian shell but can’t justify the decontamination process.

My favorite spice is rot-gut tequila - the cheapest you can find; there is no way to duplicate that pepper burn. Don’t need much but (as I learned the hard way) warn people that it contains alcohol or you will get yelled at by AA-type folks who believe that even a hidden taste of alcohol will kick them off the wagon.

I live in Seattle where weird stuff runs through your head when you step in something outside - “please let it be dog-shit”. Imagine if slugs got into your home and stood your Roomba to one-on-one combat! I would prefer dog poo.

Sometimes I have to be told who she is b/c she is so into her roles.

I just threw up in my mouth; please, not even in jest!!!

It was the result of many things including the physiology of her eyes in particular - she did complain about eye irritation but just assumed that she blinked the contacts out. The article is here if you haven’t already googled it:

Good list but google 27 contacts in eye to find the woman kept losing contacts in her eyes.

Freedom Ranch outside of Roundup, MT - the town of my birth; I would like to think I would not be one of them if my father survived and i grew up on a ranch in the area. Nature/nurture still confuses me.

In Florida, CVS was busted for having a special program that increased the price of drugs if the person was not insured. It was in the ‘90s and the news was only reported on the east coast. I try to avoid them if at all possible; do not shop there but CVS is my provider through GEHA.