Grumpy's cat is a goddess

A quick side note - years ago a local artist crocheted a coffee cup using butcher paper (her arms were the crochet tools). This was so long ago that Starbucks was not a thing. I used to walk past the store-front that displayed the cup and just stare in awe at a 4 ‘ diameter coffee cup in paper.

I was taught that the rear corner of the front car should be mid-rear passenger door when I start.

But for the other sex there is “red-headed step-child” - fertility clinics in the US have, mostly, stopped accepting donations from male gingers b/c there does not seem to be a demand for their seed. I say this not as a red-head but as a former ‘ginger chaser’ - I have always adored red-heads (and still do) but since

I used to order scotch neat with a coke back - we were both poor and she had the coke b/c she didn’t want to drink.

I am an old, have been watching SNL since Thanksgiving 1975 and think Jost is mid-range on WU and upper 3rd as head writer.

I just hope no one confuses one Grumpy with another.

I start the explanation with siblings are zeroth cousins and share a parent.

Remember when he was so popular that the Repugs wanted to change the constitution to allow him to run for president? Crap, no one seems to but that was before Obama which changed their tune pretty damned quickly.

Has Celestial Seasonings stopped including those crazy Urantian quotes on their packages? Used to drive me crazy.

And don’t forget most countries charge an exit fee that has to be in the country’s own currency.

I thought it was just me! I have to refresh if  want to add a photo or .gif

Add to that, the design of the yoplait container kills small animals - especially skunks. They stick their heads into the cup to get at the sweet stuff and can’t get their heads out. People have been complaining to Yoplait for years to no avail.

The libraries here in Seattle have giant book sales a couple times a year to sell the donated books.

There is nothing wrong with the food - it is the shaming that people are upset about. They made it very obvious who was poor - in front of their peers.

Yeah!! I did not get yogurt until I was in my 60s and discovered Greek Gods.

Chobani does so many social justice good that I buy their yogurt often (my preference is Greek Gods black cherry). Thank you for posting this story.

Oops! I forgot to say thank you for the recipe - will make this ASAP.

Most of the Chinese restaurants I have been to in the US will make Singapore Noodles for you if you ask. Not quite as good, some will make garlic noodles. Often, I will ask for the Chinese menu (I don’t read or understand Chinese but the photocopied Chinese menus have a word or 2 of English description). Here in

I went looking for suggestions for Irish whiskey on google and ended up watching youtube vids of Irish people trying things for the first time (oddly, the show was called “Irish People Try - The Try Channel”) It was fun.