Grumpy's cat is a goddess

I prefer dogpile but doing their own research is always a good start - hell, even bing! would be worth a shot.

Start here:

Language usage changes; ‘by accident’ has seen declining usage since about 1900 with a dramatic drop in usage after 1999. People no longer speak the way I remember growing up in 1960 and, much as I hate it, usage changes (remember when patronizing had 2 different pronunciations? one for going to the store and one for

Is this the result of male judges who buy their elections? Did the prosecutors sign-off on this? I hope there is outrage and election consequences.

One time I somehow ended up on a Polish fishing boat with a friend and a non-English speaking crew. I know no Polish but ‘No problem’ said with a smile can get you over a lot of rough spots (I think most non-English-speaking countries say ‘no problem’ like non-French speaking countries say ‘Voilà’). Poles drink vodka

Why the fuck did you even bother to respond? Jesus H fucking Christ are you so effing up your own ass that you think anyone cares what your opinion is? Especially since you did not even comprehend what the article was about.

“Clean and well spoken” was what they called Obama

I got fired from a famous Seattle coffee maker where I was temping. My temp manager asked me if I used the word ‘labia’ somehow when describing how to take an espresso machine apart. I just stared at her, stunned - trying to imagine how one would be able to do that. Years later, I was talking with some friends in a

I was young and ignorant when I mixed bleach with ammonia to really get the floors clean - we had to shut down the restaurant for the evening.

Shipping water from mid-Pacific has got to the stupidest waste of resources ever.

Sorry but water usually comes out of the urethra.

What I like about using a water filter here in Seattle (Wonderful Water) is having ice cubes so clear that you can’t see them in the water.

I was there once so I says to the king “You take the umbrella and I will walk home” but cows were falling from trees and I had to bury myself.

I start with $40 in my wallet to use for the small sh*t and throw any ones into a jar with any ‘silver’ when I get home - there is about $300 in there now (I deposit it about every 3 months into savings). Most places do accept plastic but it costs them 25 cents per transaction, sometimes more - that just steals from

I had that happen to me when I was driving from Montana to my new home in Raleigh, NC; it was 2:00am and I was traveling about 90 when I started to overtake a car who immediately sped up. So I parked in his blind spot (at 90 mph) and waited... soon enough we came upon a truck traveling the speed limit and the asshat

Back in the old days (touch-tone bricks) I used to give out Dial-a-prayer and/or forward my phone to them when I did not want to be bothered.

I order mine basted, to be served on an open faced croissant so that I get to break the yoke and savor all of its golden flavor.

“Well spoken” often combined with “clean” as in someone called Obama “clean and well-spoken”. No one says that about non-black persons.

As a greyling replied:

I would like to also apologize to all those I ______ed while I was a passout drunk. I have no idea what I did but I am pretty sure it was embarrassing for all involved. I do not apologize for all the things I did as an acid-head; I was a prankster (I scotch-taped the dark hall leading to the bathroom for a room-full